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發表於 2017-7-7 21:07:41 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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– foreign pathologist to conduct examinationIn an effort to quell the controversy surrounding her demise, Home Affairs Minister Clement Rohee has announced that the body of Sangeeta Singh will be exhumed and a foreign pathologist has been contracted to give a second opinion on the cause of her death. Speaking at a press conference yesterday, Minister Rohee told reporters that the decision to take this course of action was made after reviewing the police report on the 14-year-old’s death.The police report which was completed on March 31, indicated that the post mortem examination to determine Persaud’s cause of death was inconclusive.However, following tests carried out on body samples recently,Authentic Jerseys Sale, it was confirmed that Persaud died from meningitis.The Minister said that he was unaware of the new findings,Wholesale Jerseys, indicating that the decision to exhume Persaud’s body was taken prior to the recent revelations.Sangeeta Persaud of Canal Number Two Polder died at the West Demerara Regional Hospital hours after an alleged attempt to exorcise demons from her failed.The girl had fallen ill and instead of seeking medical attention, her parents reportedly opted to seek the services of a local pastor, since they were convinced that she was possessed by demons.According to the Home Affairs Minister, Persaud’s death has developed into an envelope of controversy and mystery for some, attracting national interest.He said that there have been concerns raised by the dead teen’s relatives as well as residents of Canal Number Two.Following the child’s death there were allegations that she had suffered discomfort after eating food from a religious ceremony that was held in the community.This led to a bitter row between two religious groups which had threatened to get out of hand since it was pointed out that the child was not even at the religious ceremony.“Petitions have been written expressing dissatisfaction from different angles. I also read a statement written by six Hindu organisations on the matter. The government is also concerned about the controversy that has developed,” Rohee told the media.Dead: Sangeeta PersaudThis, he said, has prompted the administration to seek the opinion of a pathologist from a fellow CARICOM country, which he declined to name.“I have invited a forensic pathologist from a sister CARICOM country for a second opinion on the matter and it is expected that over the next couple of days that forensic pathologist will be here and together with the other relevant authorities, would carry out a second examination of the body and present us with the results,Cheap NFL Jerseys Wholesale,” Rohee said.He pointed out that the administration cannot anticipate the results of the second autopsy but it is hoped that it brings closure to the entire saga.“Of course we will not be able to stop anyone from believing what they believe in, given the nature of the society in which we live.But at least from a scientific, medical investigating perspective, I think we would satisfy a wide cross-section of our country,Jerseys NFL China,” the Home Affairs Minister stated.He said that at the time this decision to exhume Persaud’s body was taken, he was not privy to any other findings, other than that which was contained in the police report of March 31.“We didn’t want to enter the fray while this controversy was at its height. Sometime it is best for the subject ministry to allow the dust to settle and the emotional side of things to subside before we take considered action as we see it fit on the matter,” Rohee explained.He said that the proposed exhumation of the body is by no means a rushed action or a panic button reaction, since the government has been following the matter from its inception.Rohee met with parents and relatives of the dead teen on Wednesday night and according to him, they are supportive of the proposed action to be taken.“I wasn’t there as an investigator,Cheap Jerseys From China, I went there as a messenger with a message that we the government propose to exhume the body,Cheap Jerseys From China, we have invited a CARICOM national, a professional forensic pathologist to give us a second opinion. That was what was put to them (relatives) and they didn’t have any difficulty with that,Jerseys NFL Wholesale,” the Home Affairs Minister said.

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