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[香港大學] Cheap Jerseys Free Shipping ntti0bic









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發表於 2017-7-8 00:04:28 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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A policeman who is at the centre of a child sexual assault investigation is denying that he had sexually molested his only son.The cop visited this newspaper yesterday, two weeks after the incident was exposed, to give his version of the story.According to the policeman, most of the allegations leveled against him by the child’s mother are untrue, and this has caused him significant embarrassment.The mother of the child had told this newspaper that the child informed her that he was sexually molested by his father who used to put him on his lap and insert his penis into his anus.The child was medically examined and it was disclosed that he suffered severe damage as a result of the sexual assault. Police had detained the child’s father but released him after enough evidence was not presented to support charges.The policeman, who is stationed at the Impact Base,Jerseys NFL China, Brickdam, claims that the three-year-old boy had been left in his care since he was an infant and was in the care of his grandmother.He said that the child attends a daycare in the city and would travel by minibus to and from home.According to the cop, when school closed for the August holidays, he decided to send his son to spend some time with his mother and her husband in Sophia.Four days later he received a telephone call from someone who sounded like a medical personnel, enquiring why he wasn’t going to see his child.The cop said he became scared since he suspected that something bad had happened to his son. But before he could find out what was wrong with the child, the caller terminated the phone call.“It was kinda strange, because my son was with my family all the time and I know he is well, so why should I stress myself to go and see him now. I expect him to be comfortable with his mother,” the policeman told this newspaper.He said that he eventually contacted the child’s mother and made an appointment to see him after she informed him that the child is not well.He said that it was only when he got to the home of the child’s mother that he was informed that his son was sexually molested and had suffered internal damage.“I was shocked, because for the time that my son was with me he never showed such signs. I got scared because I said that he is a child and he can’t speak for himself. It’s a total lie, the child is now learning to talk; now saying mommy and daddy.”The cop said that he disclosed to the child’s mother that the only two persons the child was ever left with alone was his present wife and his mother.He said that the publication of the article, ‘Cop under close arrest for sexually molesting three-year-old son’ has caused him anguish and he assured that he is not being treated as a policeman in the matter.“I don’t want the public to feel that because I am a policeman I am being given a chance to get away with something like this,” he related emphatically.While he claims he is not pointing fingers at anyone, he believes that whatever happened to his child occurred while he was at his mother’s house.“I was not really checking on what the newspaper article had attributed to me. I was giving the police a chance to investigate and find out the truth,” the cop explained, when asked why he took so long to give his side of the story.He added that he decided to speak out now because the police have apparently dropped the matter. “I want them to continue the investigation,” he said, adding that he is in constant contact with the investigating rank.Since the publication of the first article, the mother of the child has not contacted this newspaper, despite a lapse in the investigation.The policeman said that no one has taken a statement from him and he is still on the job. “The police themselves are scandalizing my name.The police themselves are pointing fingers at me,” he stated. According to the cop, when he eventually made contact with the child’s mother last Saturday, he was told that the child was hospitalized.When he visited the hospital he was shocked to learn that both of his son’s hands were in cast.He disclosed that upon examining his child closely, he observed what appeared to be burn marks on his chest. “They’re saying that that is a result of a fall. I do not believe that.”He said that he was given no information about the child’s injuries by medical personnel at the hospital.According to the cop, during another visit to the hospital on Sunday, he was instructed by a security guard in the presence of the child’s mother to leave the ward.He said that he reported what he had seen to the police. “I believe that my child was beaten and burnt. The policeman said he was going to look into the matter. But I waited and waited and nothing happened,” the policeman told this newspaper.He said he visited the Ministry of Human Services and an official there told him that they were looking into the matter.He added that he further learnt that the Ministry of Human Services had advised hospital officials that he must be prevented from having any further contact with his son.“The ministry said that they are waiting on the police. I want this investigation started and I want this thing cleared up,” the policeman said.

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