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發表於 2017-7-8 00:06:04 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Brian Samaroo called “lil Scare them” formerly of Angoy’s Avenue and presently a prisoner at the New Amsterdam Prison, decided to take matters into his own hands when he injured fellow inmate Naresh Ramjohn called ‘Naresh Mahase’ or ‘Sadam’ 35.Sadam is on trial for killing Samaroo’s older brother Anthony Samaroo. That offence is alleged to have been committed on the 2nd July 2008, at Angoy’s Avenue.The latest fracas between the warring parties occurred on Monday 10,Wholesale Jerseys, May, when the two men were among some other prisoners who were in the New Amsterdam court lock ups waiting to be transported back to the New Amsterdam Prison.According to Prosecutor, Inspector Satrohan Dayaram, an argument erupted between the two men over Ramjohn and his two brothers’ alleged killing of Samaroo’s brother. Samaroo then picked up a piece of wood that was lying in a corner and wounded Ramjohn in the head.The injured inmate was taken to the New Amsterdam Hospital with blood gushing through his nose, while Samaroo was taken into custody and subsequently charged.In court he pleaded guilty with explanation.In his mitigation plea, he told the Magistrate that, “he, Ramjohn killed me brother and the two a we had an argument and a lil scramble and he head get burst”.He begged the Magistrate for leniency stating, “moms, I already serving a three years sentence, just give me something small so it can work, A begging you”. The Magistrate did give him a ‘lil thing’. She sentenced him to six months in jail, but ordered that it starts on the completion of his current sentence.Ramjohn’s two brothers, Joseph ‘Joe boy’ Ramjohn and Khemraj Ramjohn called ‘Babo’ have also been charged with the murder, but they are still at large and arrest warrants have been issued for them.The two families have a long-standing feud, which ended with the three brothers allegedly killing Anthony Samaroo.On that day, Brain Samaroo’s 15-year-old brother was involved in an argument with the three Ramjohn brothers at Levi Dam, Angoy’s Avenue. It was alleged that the brothers assaulted the younger Samaroo, who went home and told his brother, the now deceased Anthony, who went and confronted the three brothers.The confrontation developed into a physical altercation during which time Anthony Samaroo was allegedly stabbed about his body with a pitch-fork. He was admitted a patient at the New Amsterdam Hospital where he subsequently died. The brothers were on the run and it is alleged that they are out of the country.Naresh was recently picked up on a Narcotics charge.

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