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…‘He would be seized as soon as he sets foot on Honduran soil’ – Attorney GeneralThe Caribbean Community views with grave concern the developments in Honduras that led to the removal by a military intervention of the democratically elected Head of State of the Republic of Honduras, President Manuel Zelaya, and to his expulsion to Costa Rica.In a statement yesterday, Caricom condemned the military action, which has interrupted the democratic process in Honduras and which contravenes the principles of the Inter-American Democratic Charter.The Community is calling for immediate reinstatement of President Zelaya.In a statement issue yesterday, the Caricom Secretariat stated that it is also deeply concerned by reports that a number of Government officials and diplomatic representatives have been detained and may have been physically harmed.The Community is calling on all the parties involved in the developments in Honduras to refrain from any recourse to violence and to pursue a peaceful resolution to the current situation,Dennis Rasmussen Jersey, according to the statement.“The region is looking forward to the good offices role of the Secretary General of the Organisation of the American States in helping to restore respect for the rule of law and constitutional order for the benefit of the people of Honduras.Yesterday,Pierre Pilote Jersey, the U.N. General Assembly voted by acclamation to demand Zelaya’s immediate restoration, and the Organization of American States was meeting to consider suspending Honduras for straying from democracy.With no international support but a significant following at home,Tyler Seguin Jersey, the new Honduran leadership called thousands of flag-waving people into a downtown plaza.Soldiers fenced off the area around the presidential palace, where security forces used tear gas and water cannons on Monday against Zelaya supporters,Jaromir Jagr Jersey, injuring and arresting dozens.According to an Associated Press report, the interim President named by Congress, Roberto Micheletti, said Zelaya could be arrested for violating the constitution if he returns.Zelaya had defied the Supreme Court and called a referendum on constitutional change that opponents worried would lead to Zelaya prolonging his presidency.Zelaya backed down from the referendum yesterday,Sean Monahan Team North America Jersey, saying at the United Nations that he would no longer push for the constitutional changes he had wanted.“I’m not going to hold a constitutional assembly,” he said. “And if I’m offered the chance to stay in power, I won’t. I’m going to serve my four years.”He said he would then go back to being a farmer – a humble description considering the wealth he has accumulated in ranching and agribusiness, the AP report stated.“I come from the countryside and I’m going to go back to the countryside,” he said.But Micheletti said it was he who would serve out Zelaya’s term.Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez, Zelaya’s top ally, said any aggression toward Zelaya from Micheletti’s government should prompt a military intervention by the United Nations.The United States stood firmly by Zelaya,CM Punk Jersey, however, with State Department spokesman Ian Kelly saying Washington sees no acceptable solution other than Zelaya’s return to power,Jori Lehtera Jersey, the AP report stated.He said the United States is considering cutting off its aid to Honduras, which includes $215M over four years from the U.S.-funded Millennium Challenge Corporation.The Organization of American States planned an emergency meeting in Washington to reinforce the pressure to reinstate Zelaya.Some members such as Venezuela want to suspend Honduras under an agreement meant to prevent military coups,Colton Parayko Team North America Jersey, while others including Colombia argue that while the OAS should condemn the coup,Aaron Ekblad Team North America Jersey, suspending Honduras would be interventionist.Blocked trucks began lining up along Honduras’ borders as neighboring countries imposed a trade ban.The showdown was building to a climax as the presidents of Argentina and Ecuador signed on to accompany President Manuel Zelaya on a flight to Honduras tomorrow.Attorney General, Luis Alberto Rubi said Zelaya would be seized “as soon as he sets foot on Honduran soil” and faces 20 years in prison on charges that also include abuse of authority.“I’m going back to calm people down. I’m going to try to open a dialogue and put things in order,” Zelaya said at the United Nations.“When I’m back, people are going to say … ‘commander, we’re at your service’ and the army will have to correct itself. There’s no other possibility.”

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