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發表於 2017-7-8 06:42:21 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Eighteen-year-old Anaynasa Thorne visited the Kaieteur News Saffon Street office on Tuesday to prove that she wasn’t dead.She had narrowly escaped being killed in the New Year’s Day accident at Cemetery Road,Andrew Franks Dolphins Jersey, which claimed the life of 61-year-old George Barker,Evan Engram Jersey, of Freeman Street, East La Penitence, and left 64-year-old Brian Aubrey Anthony Devine seriously injured.Kaieteur News had reported that an unidentified woman was also killed in the mishap, which occurred when a car struck three individuals and hurled them into a trench.Thorne explained that she was the “unidentified woman,” but that her injuries were minor. That meant that 61-year-old George Barker was the only one killed.“People keep telling me all the time that I dead,” said Thorne, who only sustained abrasions to one of her arms.Anaynasa Thorne,Wholesale Authentic Jerseys Outlet, of La Parfaite Harmonie, West Bank Demerara, said that she had opened her mother’s newspaper stand on Cemetery Road shortly after 07.00 hrs. George Barker,Authentic Jerseys Sale, accompanied by his friend, Anthony Devine, had come to the stand to buy newspapers.It was around this time that she saw a car “speeding” towards them. She said that on seeing the vehicle, Mr. Devine said, “Is where this jackass going with all that speed?”She said that the driver drove over a speed hump and began to swerve on the road. The teen claimed that the driver jumped out of the vehicle as it headed towards a parapet.On seeing the car heading toward them, Thorne said that she shouted to her companions to run, “but the car hit a fruit stand, the paper stand, and all three of us end up overboard in the canal.”The teen believes that she was momentarily knocked unconscious. She then felt someone pulling her out of the canal onto the parapet.“They ask me who else in the canal and I say two others.” She claimed that the driver who had caused the mishap pulled Mr. Barker from the canal and someone else rescued Devine.According to Thorne, one of the rescuers resuscitated Mr. Barker,Jerseys Cheap NFL, but he died on the way to hospital.Anthony Devine,Jerseys NFL Wholesale, who later spoke with Kaieteur News, reportedly sustained three broken ribs, compound fractures in both his legs, as well as injures to his head and spine.He believes that his friend, Barker, saved his life by trying to pushing him out of the path of the careening car.“I went with my friend; we does usually buy papers early. I was gaffing…all we hear is a loud sound, the speed this car de coming with and it hit a speed bump by the nursery school and pitch towards we,” he said.“My friend push me aside and the car come and hit he; the girl standing next to he get knock, then it come back and knock me.”He had also assumed that Thorne had died.According to Thorne, the driver had tried to leave the scene, but collapsed. He was later detained, and is reportedly expected to appear in court this week.

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