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發表於 2017-7-8 09:01:22 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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–     $20M community playground, satellite internet services¸ water well amongst other investments   By Rabindra RooplallThe village of Baramita,Mike Mitchell Steelers Jersey, Region One, is set to benefit from a number of developmental and social enhancement initiatives being executed by a Russian Company, Consolidated Northwest Resources Incorporated (CNRI.)Yesterday, a sod turning was done for the construction of a $20M community playground. Some of the other plans that will be executed are the construction of a potable water well, the provision of satellite internet services in keeping with the national Information and Communication Technology programme, an empowerment programme through sewing classes for women of the community, medical assistance through the provision of medical supplies,Tedy Bruschi Patriots Jersey, enhancement of the primary school and construction of three new schools; and the construction of a community playground.The company will also employ a medex to operate in the community. All of these projects are expected to be completed by the first quarter of 2014. Some projects will be undertaken or completed by the end of this year.Present at the event yesterday were, Chief Education Officer,Jack Lambert Steelers Jersey, Olato Sam; Guyana Football Federation (GFF) President, Franklin Wilson; Village Toshao Bradly Thomas and his councilors, Chief Financial Officer of CNRI, Fedor Stovsky, Primary school teachers amongst villagers.Guyana Football Federation (GFF) also donated footballs, and cricket gear as well as other items.Consolidated Northwest Resources Incorporated (CNRI) recently signed an agreement with the community of Baramita to embark on a massive exploration for gold deposits in approximately 50 thousand acres in the Northwest District, Region One (Barima/Waini).The agreement sees the International geological exploration and mining company based in London undertaking exploration activity following wide consultations with the community of Baramita and its council, the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment through the Guyana Geology and Mines Commission,Austin Hooper Falcons Jersey, the Ministry of Amerindian Affairs and the Environmental Protection Agency.According to Chief Financial Officer of CNRI, Fedor Stovsky, as is the norm in every area in which it operates, the company intends to give back to the community of Baramita with a number of developmental and social enhancement initiatives.He explained that it has been a year since the conception of the idea of his company’s interest in exploration for mining at Baramita.He said, too, that it was after divine intervention that the decision was taken to hold direct dialogue with the people of the area and for them to determine with statutory regulatory oversight, whether Consolidated Northwest Resources Inc. would be an asset to the community as it embarks on exploration activity in the area.“It was before any agreement was reached that the people of Baramita who also sought divine intervention from the same source agreed that the initiative was good for the community”. Maslovsky assured that because of his company’s presence at Baramita,Kevin Faulk Patriots Jersey, “the children of the community will now have a better shot at life, a better shot at education and a better shot at seeing the broader scope of life and breaking out of the cycle of poverty”.The Chief Executive insisted that if exploration activities succeed then the people of Baramita succeed. He called on all stakeholders to be patient with each other since exploration, even though a significant step, could take considerable periods of time.He said,Carnell Lake Steelers Jersey, “The real treasure is not the gold which is being sought after”. He told those gathered that “the real treasure is the people”, and if his company is connected to them, “then the real positive advancements will be achieved”.Commissioner of the Guyana Geology and Mines Commission, Karen Livan, commended the company for the time it took to ensure all procedures were followed, but also to facilitate the legal guidance needed by the other side of the negotiation table, the community.She said the GGMC on behalf of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment and the Government of Guyana looks forward to the company’s presence in the area and as such empowerment is indeed being experienced. She expressed the hope that accompanying the economic and social developments enshrined in the agreement, there will be consideration for cultural development initiatives. CNR Inc. assures that it remains committed to the preservation of the cultures of the residents of communities in which it operates.Minister of Amerindian Affairs,Green Bay Packers Jersey, Pauline Sukhai,Le Veon Bell Steelers Jersey, described the process that led to the agreement as close to perfect, but however asked that the Environmental Protection Agency’s role be increased in future deliberations by all stakeholders.“We intend to operate responsibly in the context of Guyana’s Low Carbon Development Strategy. The Strategy outlines Guyana’s approach to promoting economic development while at the same time practices place us neatly into the wider national agenda.Consolidated Northwest Resources Incorporated intends to comply strictly with standards set by Guyana’s Mining, Forestry and Environmental Laws and the Low Carbon Development Strategy.” CNRI underscored.According to Guyana Football Federation (GFF) President,Antonio Brown Steelers Jersey, Franklin Wilson, he noticed football and volleyball were widely played in the community and as such the GFF has decided to donate the items in association with Food for the Poor to contribute to the development of recreational sports in the area.Wilson added that the GFF will be working in collaboration with CNRI to further enhance the development of sports in the region.Chief Education Officer, Olato Sam, said CRNI is adopting the primary school under its developmental programme which is part of fulfilling its corporate responsibilities.“With chasing higher profits there comes the responsibility and recognition of social development which is being done by CRNI.”He said it is notable that CRNI chose one of the avenues to develop the region through education combined with sports; and as such by educating the population, better individuals will evolve to contribute to the further development of the society.Toshao Bradly Thomas and his councilors thanked CRNI for contributing to the development of their village which is in dire need of assistance.

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