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CHESNEY, CORENTYNE – Divisional Manager of the Guyana Water Inc., Chris Cathro, said a water problem does not exist at Number Fifty-One Village on the Corentyne. On Wednesday, a team visited the Number Fifty-One area, he said. A number of photographs were taken at four different locations in the Number Fifty-One area of stand pipes with water flowing from them.Mr. Cathro said interviews were also done with the residents at the locations, and the residents were satisfied. “This is to prove that water is coming through the pipes at Number Fifty-One (Village).” He pointed out that although the number for his cellular telephone was published, none of the residents called with any complaints.With regards to calls for a well at Number Fifty-Three Village, he indicated that there are no plans for such a facility. “Number Fifty-One (village) is receiving water.” The new well for Number Forty-Seven Village is scheduled for completion by mid-June. Work began last month and is about 75 percent complete.This project falls under the Capital Investments and Projects Department of the Guyana Water Inc.Last week, Region Six Councillor of the People’s National Congress, Winston Samuels, reiterated his dissatisfaction with the quality of service offered by the Guyana Water Inc. on the Corentyne.Mr. Samuels, who resides at Number Fifty-One Village, said their area is the one most affected by lack of potable water. Mr. Samuels believes that the solution lies in placing a well at Number Fifty-Three Village,Franco Harris Steelers Jersey, and he has been saying so for years. “There is only one way out… that is putting back the well at Number Fifty-Three Village in operation. The Government is using political persecution and collective punishment to remind us who is the boss of the day. It is getting distressing now; we have been exercising patience since 1994 with this water situation.”On Friday, Mr. Samuels insisted, “Our everyday situation is that sometimes there is no water at all and sometimes dribbles’. The back street on the eastern side of the Public Road, they are in dire need of having access to potable water. When the rain is falling, and there is no need for water for farms and other agricultural purposes, we get the ‘dribble-ins’ at this end.”Further, Mr. Samuels added,Clay Matthews Packers Jersey, “It is no surprise,Sean Davis Steelers Jersey, whenever they or any official from G.W.I. is visiting the area, the day before the visit, the day of the visit and in some cases the day after the visit we get some water, and then it is back to square one — no water. If they believe that the information I am giving is false,Martellus Bennett Patriots Jersey, let them arrange a meeting at Leeds Primary School with the residents within the Fifty-One/Fifty area and they will know the facts. The N.D.C. must be involved.”The Regional Councillor said that the plight of the Number Fifty-One residents existed since 1994, and from then these persons have been calling for a well at Number Fifty-Three Village, which they believe could ease their suffering.Mr. Samuels said being at the extreme end they are affected in terms of pressure, Number Fifty-One Village is seated between two wells; the one at Number Fifty-Seven serves consumers between Number Sixty-One Village and Number Fifty-One.The other one at Number Forty-Seven Village provides a supply for those between Number Forty-Four Village/Good Hope and Number Fifty Villages. He said that at a lot of attention is given to the well at Number Forty-Seven Village, “They are now drilling a new well there at Number Forty-Seven and we cannot get one. We have been making representation for some fourteen years and we are being sidelined all the time.”The People’s National Congress Regional Councillor raised the issue of access to potable water supply at Number Fifty-One Village at this month’s Regional Democratic Council monthly statutory meeting.At that forum,Aaron Rodgers Packers Jersey, another Regional Councillor had indicated that persons at Number Fifty-Five/Fifty-Six Villages are complaining of skin rashes after using the water from the Number Fifty-Six Water Treatment Plant. Touching on the situation with the Number Fifty-Six Water Treatment Plant,Bart Starr Packers Jersey, Mr. Cathro indicated that, after the last interview with the Kaieteur News, he visited the treatment plant.The team took readings of the chlorination level of the water in a number of villages within the distribution area.“The chlorine is well within the limits of acceptability. Everything was okay – no problems with it.” He said that one of the theories could be because these residents are now receiving treated water for the first time, and as such,LeGarrette Blount Patriots Jersey, they find the chlorine unacceptable.In relation to complaints of rashes on the skin and itching,John Stallworth Steelers Jersey, he said, “We also ran tests on the water and there was no biological problem there…nothing to suggest any problems. Micro-biological tests showed the water is fine.” President of the Upper Corentyne Chamber of Commerce, David Subnauth, was among those who complained of the quality of potable water coming from the Number Fifty-Six Water Treatment Plant. Divisional Manager of the Guyana Water Inc.Chris Cathro acknowledged that there are some aspects of the general service offered by the utility company in Region Six that need attention. These are being addressed. He said there is always room for improvement.The volume of water wasted as a result of leakage is one such area being addressed. Countrywide, approximately 60 percent of water is wasted due to seepage, since it is being used for agricultural purposes, as a result of stealing, and faucets left running. In Region Six,Donnie Shell Steelers Jersey, some Neighbourhood Democratic Councils and Town Councils are expected to sign contracts this afternoon.This would allow for these local government bodies to monitor and lessen the amount of water wasted as a result of leakages. This system should be in effect by next Monday.

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