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發表於 2017-7-8 09:05:48 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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A Partnership for National Unity’s youth arm ‘Youth for Transformational Change’A section of the picketers bearing placards outside the commissioner’s residence,Chris Hogan Patriots Jersey, calling for his resignation.last evening took their protest activity to the residence of the Commissioner of Police Henry Greene who is currently embroiled in a rape allegation.The youths as well as some middle aged adults assembled in front of the Commissioner’s residence in the Lamaha Springs,Jordy Nelson Packers Jersey, Joint Services Scheme,Joe Greene Steelers Jersey, bearing placards calling for his resignation.Lurlene Nestor,Julian Edelman Patriots Jersey, the spokesperson for the group told this publication that their call for his resignation initially stemmed from the police shooting of peaceful protestors on Tuesday last and is being amplified now in the face of the rape allegations.Nestor said that for the Commissioner to continue to sit in his Office in the face of the numerous allegations,Dwight Freeney Falcons Jersey, and now with the rape accusations against him,Kevin Faulk Patriots Jersey, is an affront to the Guyanese people,Tony Gonzalez Falcons Jersey, particularly the women and children of the country.She said that the group will not let up until Greene resigns and faces the court for the allegations he is accused of.In the height of the protest,Nick Perry Packers Jersey, the Joint Services Scheme was a buzz of activity with at least three van loads of police ranks converging in the scheme.When this publication arrived at the entrance of the Joint Services Scheme there were a Guyana Defence Force Soldier and two armed Tactical Services Unit ranks posted as sentry.The reporter had to wait until instructions were had as to whether permission was granted for entry to the scheme.This occurred even as scores of other vehicles,New England Patriots Jerseys, including empty taxis made their way in and out of the scheme.The reporter was told that no entry would be permitted to Kaieteur News and that the instructions had come from someone senior to the Corporal in command at the sentry point.Kaieteur News did subsequently manage to make way to the scene of the protest.

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