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–    suspect held after car stakeoutNew York – A man suspected of five New York City fire bombings, including on the home of a Guyanese family, was arrested yesterday by cops who staked out a vehicle overnight awaiting the return of the owner.The attacks, which took place Sunday evening targeted an Islamic center, a Hindu temple,Daryl Johnston Cowboys Throwback Jersey, a bodega, and two private homes.According to law enforcement officials the suspect, who was not immediately identified, made statements that appear to implicate him in at least some of the bombings,Alan Page Vikings Throwback Jersey, but stopped short of a confession in the first rounds of interrogation.Detectives, relying on statements from witnesses and grainy surveillance video, determined the suspected bomber drove a late model car with Virginia licence plates. Based on the wheels and basic wheel covers, Auto Crime unit detectives who viewed the video were able to conclude it was probably a rental car.A Molotov cocktail was thrown through a window at 146-62 107th Avenue in Queens.When a gray four-door Buick Regal with cheap wheel covers and Virginia plates was discovered in Jamaica neighborhood of Queens, N.Y., around midnight, police patiently waited for its driver to appear.When he did early yesterday, he was taken into custody.According to a report in the New York Times, it was around 10 p.m. Sunday when a man in a hooded sweatshirt drove up to a home on 170th Street in Jamaica, Queens, and stepped out holding a glass bottle.Slowly and deliberately, the man threw the bottle — transformed into a Molotov cocktail by the addition of flammable liquid and a wick — toward the bay window of the home, which houses a small Hindu temple.Ramesh Maharaj, 62, a Hindu priest who lives in the house, rushed from his bed to the lawn and found the bottle burning harmlessly.“It smelled like kerosene,” said Mr. Maharaj. “The intention from the behavior of the guy was to do destruction.”The New York police say this small temple was one of four sites firebombed in Jamaica on Sunday night. No injuries were reported. Assisted by federal and state authorities,Gale Sayers Bears Throwback Jersey, the police are investigating the firebombings as possible bias attacks. A security camera captured the attack on the temple.In three of the four attacks, Starbucks Frappucino bottles were used, the police and witnesses said.One attack occurred at an Islamic center where about 100 people were worshiping, and another at a bodega owned by a Muslim immigrant from Yemen. At the fourth site, a house on 107th Avenue, the residents said that they were Christians and that they were baffled by the attack.In a fifth episode on Sunday night,Boston Red Sox Throwback Jersey, a bottle containing flammable liquid was thrown onto the porch of a house in Elmont, just across the Nassau County border. The case had “some characteristics” of the pattern in Queens, a spokesman for the Nassau County police said.No arrests were made as of Monday night. The police released a sketch of a suspect and described him as a black man 25 to 30 years old, 5 feet 8 inches tall, weighing 200 pounds and wearing a black jacket and a baseball cap. He was seen driving a light-color sedan.The Queens attacks occurred in one of the more diverse stretches of the city’s most diverse borough. Jamaica Avenue and Hillside Avenue, two main thoroughfares, which are dotted with halal shops, Latino restaurants, Hindu temples and storefront Christian churches. Once predominantly black, the neighborhood has had influxes of immigrants from many parts of the world, including Guyana, the West Indies, Central America, South Asia, and Arabic-speaking lands.“Everyone gets along, no problems,” said Salem Ahmed, 38, the owner of the bodega,Cleveland Browns Throwback Jersey, on Hillside Avenue and 180th Street, that was firebombed about 8 p.m.Mr. Ahmed said a man ran into the store and threw a flaming bottle over the deli counter at the small 24-hour grocery store, which he opened soon after arriving from Yemen 20 years ago.The bottle fell to the floor without breaking and caused a small fire easily extinguished by a worker, he said.He said his first thought was about a man whom workers threw out for shoplifting. “But I don’t think it’s him,” he said.In the attack on the Al-Khoei Islamic Center, along the Van Wyck Expressway,Adam Joseph Duhe Dolphins Throwback Jersey, two flaming bottles were thrown at the entrance, causing a small fire shortly before 9 p.m.Imam Maan Al-Sahlani, an Iraqi immigrant, said a service had just ended when the attack took place. There was little damage, he said, but the attack caused concern among some members that Muslims might have been targeted.“You really can’t accuse one religion or a party without knowing more about it,” he said.He said that the center, which opened in 1989, had had no disputes with anyone. It serves a diverse membership with services held in English,Mike Ditka Bears Throwback Jersey, Arabic, Persian and Urdu. Its leaders are mostly Iraqi immigrants,Mike Singletary Bears Throwback Jersey, and its members are mostly Lebanese.The imam said he had heard about the attack on the Hindu temple, and added, “Some people confuse Hindus and Muslims.” The police had promised protection for the Islamic center, and the stepped-up security had reassured its members.“We’re trying to convince them that everything’s fine,” he said.Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo asked the State Police to help with the investigation, and Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg said, “No matter what the motivation was of the individual who threw Molotov cocktails in Queens last night, his actions stand in stark contrast to the New York City of today that we’ve built together.”In Elmont, Bejai Rai and his wife were getting ready for bed in their home on Glafil Street around 9:40 when they heard a loud crash, Mr. Rai said, “as if the chandelier had fallen down.” One of their sons watched as a man rushed away and into a late model two-door car, either champagne or silver in color.Mr. Rai said it appeared that the bottle had bounced off the house and crashed on the concrete walkway without setting anything afire.“We are terribly nervous,” said Mr. Rai, a Hindu from Guyana. “If they’re going to bomb house, to burn a house down, they want to kill us. Why would someone want to do that to us?”Mr. Maharaj,Larry Bird Celtics Throwback Jersey, who operates the Hindu temple, said Monday that he had not slept, but that he would conduct his usual prayer service Monday night.The firebomber was seen on a security camera installed after a break-in last March. The attacker, Mr. Maharaj said, “should try to find God and be remorseful for what he has done.”

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