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發表於 2017-7-8 18:51:15 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Leader of the People’s National Congress Reform,Brett Favre Packers Jersey, Robert Corbin says that taxpayers will ultimately have to foot the bill of the guarantee to policy holders at Colonial Life Insurance Company (CLICO) Guyana.The PNCR Leader was speaking,Terrell Davis Broncos Jersey, yesterday,Keyshawn Johnson Jets Jersey, at his party’s weekly press briefing held at Congress Place, Sophia.As such Guyanese have a right to know exactly what transpired within the company.He noted that there were several questions that needed to be answered.One of them concerns what prompted that $1.6B withdrawal just in the nick of time.The PNCR leader said that there needs to be an investigation into the actions of the company to see if inside information caused the withdrawal.He added also that there must be an investigation into the dealing of the directors and their affairs to see if at anytime they were not effectively addressing the interests of policy holders. If not they should be held accountable.Alliance for Change Leader,Wes Hopkins Eagles Jersey, Raphael Trotman,Randy White Cowboys Jersey, prior to the CLICO debate,Pat Tillman Cardinals Jersey, had called for an independent investigation into whether the company was allowed to flout the law following the recommendations from the Commissioner of Insurance more than a year ago that it repatriate investments above the stipulated limit from abroad.According to Trotman,Steve Grogan Patriots Jersey, the nation needs to know the answers to the apparent inefficiency by the regulator to have CLICO flout the law for such an extended period of time.“Was it deliberate?” Trotman questioned.During the debate he pointed out that there is also the pointed question of whether there was any abuse of insider information, which allowed a select few to withdraw their money from CLICO prior to the move by Government.CLICO (Guyana) sold its shares in the Berbice River Bridge to New Building Society prior to the move to the Courts for Judicial Management by the Commissioner of Insurance.It was explained that the move came as depositors were making a rush to collect their money from CLICO (Guyana) following reports that the parent company,Karl Mecklenburg Broncos Jersey, CL Financial, as well as the various CLICO assets in the Caribbean,Larry Csonka Dolphins Jersey, was being frozen or divested.The problem of liquidity thus forced CLICO (Guyana) to move to dispose of some of its short-term assets to satisfy the need for immediate cash.Withdrawals by policyholders between the sale and the move to the courts amounted to about $1.4B.

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