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發表於 2017-7-8 20:37:24 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Students of the University of Guyana reached out to a single parent of South Sophia,Rob Scuderi Jersey, Georgetown,Jason Zucker Jersey, by building for the woman a safer dwelling place that she and her four children could call home.Five students pursuing studies at the Faculty of Social Sciences of the university were tasked with the project of providing some sort of community service for this term’s course work.Due to one of the students living in the area,Bryan Bickell Jersey, Paula Vincent’s plight was highlighted to the other members of the group. The group moved to have some remedial works done to the shack where Paula and her children live.The students came together and pooled whatever finance they mustered to acquire some of the building materials.According to the students,Scott Darling Jersey, most of the boards were donated by a kind hearted donor. The structure is now sporting a step and louvre windows,Ryan Murray Team North America Jersey, items that Paula found difficult to acquire prior to the intervention by the students.Vincent, who was high in praise of the students,Stan Mikita Jersey, added that when it rains her entire house would get wet but since repair works were done that problem has been rectified.The woman said that finance is limited due to her not having a stable job. But she tries her best to have her children attend school to “receive education”.The woman reported that she will usually do domestic work for persons to maintain her family. One of her children told Kaieteur News that he is very happy because their home is more comfortable.Plans are already in the pipeline to have additional work done on the structure with the aid of the said UG students.“We will help this family with whatever little we can afford,Tyler Seguin Jersey,” said the group leader Kayana Amos.The group that comprises Kayana Amos,Jared Spurgeon Jersey, Jillian Adams,Jarret Stoll Jersey, Grantly Laundry and Denise Clark are calling on the general public to give a helping hand to Paula Vincent and her children who really needs assistance.

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