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發表於 2017-7-9 03:25:30 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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The Guyana Hindu Dharmic Sabha’s annual Deepavali Motorcades begin today in Essequibo.The beautifully decorated floats will leave Sparta and Affiance and converge at the Anna Regina Community Centre Ground where there will be a cultural programme and the presentation of prizes.This year,Jack Lambert Steelers Jersey, the Sabha has organized eight motorcades around the country. Thousands of Guyanese will line the streets and converge at the various venues to enjoy the dazzling spectacle which ushers in the Festival of Lights.There will be strikingly bedecked representations of Mother Lakshmi and other depictions from the Scriptures, devotional music and much more.Tomorrow, beautifully decorated floats will leave from Ruimzeight and the Parika Junction and converge at the Ocean View Mandir, where there will be a cultural presentation, and on the East Bank Demerara, floats will leave from the Providence Parking Lot and Soesdyke Vishnu Mandir at 18:00 hrs for the Diamond-Grove New Scheme Market Tarmac.On Sunday, four motorcades will be held in Berbice. In West Coast Berbice,Eddie Lacy Packers Jersey, the motorcade will converge at the Bath Community Centre Ground,Louis Lipps Steelers Jersey, in East Berbice, the floats will assemble at Main and Vryheid Streets opposite Church View Gift Shop and proceed to the Rosehall Community Centre Ground,Chris Hogan Patriots Jersey, Canje.In Upper Corentyne, floats will make their way from Crabwood Creek and No. 36 Village to the Tagore High School Ground. The Central Corentyne Praant’s Motorcade will move from Bush Lot, Corentyne and No. 1 Village and converge at Port Mourant Community Centre Ground. All of the motorcades will culminate with grand cultural programmes and presentation of prizes beginning at 19:00hrs.The Georgetown/ East Coast Demerara Motorcade will be held on Tuesday November 10.Often described as the single largest event on the Guyanese calendar, this year’s motorcade promises to be exciting as ever. The fabulously decorated floats will assemble at the Shri Krishna Mandir, Campbellville from 17:30 hrs and will move west along Campbell Avenue into Sandy Babb Street,Ross Cockrell Steelers Jersey, north into J.B Singh Road and east onto Seawall Road to the LBI Community Centre Ground.Guyanese are encouraged to line the route of the motorcade to enjoy the fantastic display of Guyanese creativity.More than 25 floats from Mandirs,James Harrison Steelers Jersey, Youth Groups and families have confirmed their participation.At the LBI Community Centre Ground,Rod Woodson Steelers Jersey, the stage programme starts at 19:00hrs. There will be performances by ZEETV Saregamapa finalists Bishakh Jyoti and Shreyasi Bhattacharjee, Dharmic Nritya Singh,Rob Gronkowski Patriots Jersey, Sookrane Boodhoo, Rekha Singh, Artie Sookhai,Randall Cobb Packers Jersey, Mona Gowkarran and others.There will also be a short Ramlila presentation.In excess of 3M in cash and trophies will be presented to the winning floats in the small and large categories. Prizes will also be given for the most outstanding mandirs in each category and a special Andrew Arts Trophy will be presented to the best overall designed float.Admission to all motorcades is free and no alcohol is allowed.

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