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– as part of National Day of TestingAs part of the National Day of Testing for HIV/AIDS, a number of leading officials,Morgan Burnett Packers Jersey, including the new United States Ambassador to Guyana, John Jones,  Prime Minister Samuel Hinds, and Health Minister Dr Leslie Ramsammy,Kevin Faulk Patriots Jersey, turned up at the National AIDS Programme Secretariat (NAPS)and offered themselves to be tested for HIV/AIDS,Jack Ham Steelers Jersey, yesterday.The exercise was in preparation for the National Week of Testing, which will be held from November 17 to November 21.Regional Voluntary Counselling and Testing (VCT) Supervisor Trevor McIntosh lauded the officials who had come to be tested. He reminded them that it was always better for an individual to know their own HIV/AIDS status.He also provided the officials with a concise presentation of what HIV/AIDS was and how it could be spread. After the group counselling session, each of the officials was individually counselled and tested for HIV/AIDS.This is the third year that officials have been coming to be tested in the time leading up to the National Week of Testing.Programme Manager for NAPS, Dr Shanti Singh,Mohamed Sanu Sr Falcons Jersey, explained that by having officials and Government ministers tested before the National Week of Testing, it would help to motivate and inspire members of the public to also be tested.She noted that, for the entire Week of Testing,Ray Nitschke Packers Jersey, many temporary testing sites would be set up in various places around Georgetown.This, she said,Tom Brady Patriots Jersey, would hopefully help to encourage persons to be tested. Added to this, she said, it is hoped that this year some 10,Bart Starr Packers Jersey,000 persons would be tested for HIV/AIDS.According to Ambassador Jones,James Harrison Steelers Jersey, yesterday was “an important day, especially for a country like Guyana.”The Prime Minister supported this, and encouraged members of the public to be tested, and in so doing,John Stallworth Steelers Jersey, know their own status.US Ambassador to Guyana John Melvin Jones holding up his HIV/AIDS counselling and testing card.

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