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發表於 2017-7-9 12:14:46 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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The Ministry of Health has launched an investigation into the recent attack on patients at the National Psychiatric Hospital, Canje Berbice, where five patients were seriously injured and which resulted in the death of one, 75-year–old Harry Ramanand, of Cumberland, Canje.Ramanand died on Thursday at the Georgetown Public Hospital.Last Saturday, a patient, 22-year-old Jermaine Benjamin, of Fyrish Village,Matt Slauson Chargers Jersey, Corentyne,Dwight Lowery Chargers Jersey, went berserk at the Fort Canje Psychiatric Hospital after he was not allowed to leave the facility.He is said to be suffering from psychotic disorder drug dependency.At a press conference, yesterday at his Brickdam Office,Mark Clayton Dolphins Jersey, Minister of Health,Kenny Stills Dolphins Jersey, Dr. Leslie Ramsammy,Brian Dawkins Eagles Jersey, said that he is not sure about the action the police will take as it relates to that matter, but all the medical charts of the suspect have been handed over to the police.“They will have to decide what to do…but I suspect that action will be taken against him,Andre Branch Dolphins Jersey,” Minister Ramsammy said.However, Minister Ramsammy revealed that the incident was allowed to occur that night because one health worker did not comply with the standard operating procedure at the hospital.The Health Minister explained that only the doctor at the facility can assign a patient to a specific ward,Mario Williams Dolphins Jersey, but as is known, the doctor is not present at the hospital round the clock, so whenever a new patient comes in outside of the doctor’s hours, the patient is supposed to be assigned to a special holding area, where he is isolated until he is examined by the doctor and placed in a ward.“This is a standard operation… It could be the calmest person in the world, it doesn’t matter because once you come and the doctor is not there, the health worker that is there is going to assign that patient to the holding area, until the doctor examines that patient. The doctor will decide where the patient is going to be located for long term treatment… the patient is not mixed but kept isolated,Bob Griese Dolphins Jersey, until the hospital determines whether he or she is a long term patient.”However, in last week’s case, the patient who went berserk was admitted to the hospital by the doctor on Monday,Brandon Doughty Dolphins Jersey, then he escaped from the institution, but was brought back to the facility by his relatives on the following Friday.According to Minister Ramsammy, this is where the health worker did not comply with the standard procedure, because the health worker admitted the patient with the regular ones. He should have been isolated, Minister Ramsammy said.When asked if the health worker would be penalized for breaching the standard procedure, the Health Minister said that an investigative committee is currently being led by the Chief Medical Officer and recommendations will be made as to what actions will be taken against the health worker.The incident at the facility led to a sit out by the nurses at the mental institution.However, these issues have now been resolved, as according to Dr. Ramsammy the union, management and the workers have arrived at certain agreements.This newspaper had reported that when Benjamin was brought back to the institution, he appeared to be the usual quiet individual he is. A source explained, “He had a sudden burst of anger…he went berserk…he broke the dining room door, attacked patients of all other races except his own.”Staff members managed to escape unharmed but locked the mentally ill persons in the ward where a bloody mess followed.It was noted that persons suffered fractured skulls and broken jaws. The weapon used was said to be part of a door with several nails on it.“He used pieces of the door to beat the other patients.”

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