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發表於 2017-7-9 14:14:34 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Spectacular performances were aplenty as the National Cultural Centre came alive on Monday with the Georgetown Regional Children’s School competition which had nursery, primary and secondary school students performing dramatic poetry and captivating calypsos.First place in dramatic poetry went to North Georgetown Secondary for ‘A Guyanese Cook-Up’Over 60 private and public schools were registered for entry in the competition which is all part of Mashramani 2015 activities under the theme “One People, One Culture,Lawrence Taylor Giants Jersey, One Celebration”.Placing first, on the nursery level,Dan Marino Dolphins Jersey, was South Ruimveldt Park Nursery School in the Dramatic Poetry segment, with Yelena Grandsoult’s performance of “I am a teacher”.J.E. Burnham Nursery brought second with Khayoola Whyte’s performance of “Dis time of the year”, with Anais Private School taking third position with “Indian Child” done by Chrisanna Cush.After much anticipation, for the Primary category,Marcus Allen Raiders Jersey, in the age five to seven age group, F.E Pollard Primary was awarded first place with their performance of “If I told you I was deaf”.Green Acres Primary walked away with second for their rendition “West Indian style lovin’ for Guyana” while third position was awarded to Bel Air Primary for their performance of “Keep Guyana Clean”.Meanwhile,George Blanda Raiders Jersey, in the age eight to ten category for the Calypso Primary School competition, “Happy Republic Day” by St. Margaret’s Primary copped top spot,Dermontti Dawson Steelers Jersey, with second place going to North Georgetown Primary with “Fusion”. St. Angela’s Primary placed third with a piece entitled “Recognise as Guyanese”.As the competition moved into the Secondary School calypso portion, Nehemiah Comprehensive achieved first position with “Potpourri” as St. John’s College came in second with “Yuh got to come back”. This left Christ Church Secondary gaining third place with their calypso act, “Mashramani time again”.Winners in the dance competition, St. Pius Primary,Andre Tippett Patriots Jersey, with ‘Joyful Celebration’And finally,Bruce Matthews Titans Jersey, in the Dramatic Poetry segment for the Secondary School portion, ages 14 to 17, St. Joseph High was first with “Birth of a Republic” followed by North Ruimveldt Secondary with “A Guyanese Cook-up”. St. Stanislaus College walked away with third for their piece “Meh granny seh.”Additionally,Mel Blount Steelers Jersey, yesterday saw children energetically participating in the dance portion of the competition, with nursery and primary school students. The children showed off their dance moves in the category of Religious Belief,Dennis Byrd Jets Jersey, Games Children Play, Interpretive and Legends and Traditions.Placing first within the age group of eight to ten year segment was St. Pius Primary with “Joyful Celebration”, while St. Margaret’s Primary took second with “Praises”. St. Agnes Primary was given third position with “We Mashramani as one”.As they were the only school to perform in the masquerade category, North Georgetown Primary was automatically declared winner with their entry of “City flouncers”.First place winners for each category will represent Georgetown in the competition slated for February 12 to 13 at the National Cultural Centre.

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