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發表於 2017-7-9 14:15:31 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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A Corentyne man who was supposed to have turned out as a cane harvester today was stabbed to death on Sunday around 18:30 hrs by a man known in the area as a bad egg.Dead is Chrisendat Kalandawell,Brian Dawkins Eagles Jersey, called “Sham” 41 of Lot 44 NO 79 village Corentyne Berbice.According to the man’s wife,Howie Long Raiders Jersey, Bibi Hazra,Andre Reed Bills Jersey, called “Rita”,Steve Atwater Broncos Jersey, 41,Jack Tatum Raiders Jersey, her husband and some relatives were at home having a drink.She said that some time later,Seth Joyner Eagles Jersey, the suspect known as “Greg” passed by the yard and started to use foul language.She said that they told him not to enter the yard and to desist from using foul language, but the man continued and trained most of his tirade on her husband.The woman said that they warned him to desist or they would report to his relatives.She said after a while her husband asked her for some money to buy a bottle of Guinness, which she obliged and he left for the shop. That was around 18:30 hrs.The woman stated that about 15 minute later,Joe Klecko Jets Jersey, she got a phone call that her husband was bleeding badly and was in his aunt’s yard. She was told that he was “stabbed up”.She said that she immediately hurried to the scene and saw her husband’s body with wounds to the hand,Steve McNair Titans Jersey, foot and neck. He seemed lifeless.He was picked up and taken to the Skeldon Hospital where he was pronounced dead on arrival. The suspect was captured in a house not far away from the scene and is in police custody.According to Rita,Ronnie Lott Raiders Jersey, the dead man was a fisherman and was supposed to turn out as a cane cutter today at the Skeldon Estate.She said that he had collected his tools already and was supposed to do a medical yesterday. She was not too happy with him being a fisherman with all the piracy and killing and so on.A post Mortem examination conducted on the body yesterday at the Skeldon Hospital showed that the man died from shock and hemorrhage due to stab wounds.  He had a four inch cut on his neck.The man has one son who is 22 years old. The suspect is expected to be charged shortly.

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