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發表於 2017-7-9 18:33:50 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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The spiralling road accidents and road fatalities in Guyana are to a large extent due to indiscipline among motorists.This is according to People’s Progressive Party Parliamentarian Norman Whittaker who, whilst addressing the National Assembly on Friday, said that many drivers on Guyana’s roadways do not exercise road ethics.Whittaker was at the time making his presentation on the Motor Vehicles and Road Traffic (Amendment) Bill 2008.In less than 40 minutes’ debate on Friday evening,Russell Westbrook Thunder Jersey, the entire National Assembly agreed that using a cellular phone whilst driving is a public health hazard,Tracy McGrady USA Jersey, and such an action should be prohibited.In many ways, Whittaker said, road lawlessness remains almost out of control,Marvin Williams Hornets Swingman Jersey, and the use of mobile phones while driving is one of the many contributory factors.“The concept of using the hand-free mobile phone is one that has not found favour yet with our drivers. We like to use our hands: to signal, to gesticulate,Kemba Walker Hornets Swingman Jersey, to keep time with the music in the vehicle, and it is very scary to see drivers holding the mobile with one hand and attempting to control the vehicle with the other — a total absence of road ethics,” Whittaker said.He pointed out that the use of the mobile phone while driving has developed into a common but controversial practice today.“The need to pass legislation that prohibits this type of negligent and inappropriate,Authentic Russell Westbrook Thunder Jersey, indisciplined behaviour has found support not only in the National Assembly,Enes Kanter Thunder Jersey, but among a majority of Guyanese.”The legislation will make the roadways safer, while at the same time make more people comfortable by ensuring that drivers employ both hands when driving.“Drivers can concentrate on the road better and be more alert…they can think traffic, anticipate traffic, and focus on traffic instead of focusing on other things besides traffic,Authentic Steven Adams Thunder Jersey,” Whittaker said.Fifty-two countries around the world, he told the Assembly, already have legislation in place which makes it illegal to use hand-held phones while driving.The increasing trend of using a cellular phone whist driving was on Friday evening made illegal when Minister of Home Affairs,Authentic Paul Millsap Hawks Jersey, Clement Rohee, presented the Motor Vehicles and Road Traffic (Amendment) Act 2008.The minister pointed out to the National Assembly that it is obvious that if a person is distracted from focusing on the road something detrimental may occur.Minister Rohee was given the full support of the National Assembly. If caught,Authentic Kemba Walker Hornets Jersey, motorists will be forced to pay a fine or submit to a jail sentence.

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