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發表於 2017-7-9 20:43:26 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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PAT DIALThe Guyana Telephone and Telegraph Co. (GTT) since its establishment in Guyana over a quarter of a century ago, has been doing better than any other company with an average profitability of 30% per annum. In this process of harvesting these massive profits,Cleveland Indians Edwin Encarnacion Jersey, the company has exploited the Guyanese consumer.The initial assumption when it came here and acquired the Guyana Telecommunications Corp. (GTC) at a price and conditions on their terms which left Guyanese, both at home and abroad, in stunned astonishment led the company to confirm its belief that Guyana was a banana republic with complacent and ignorant people.Guyanese were not the ignorant people GTT thought,Bartolo Colon Jersey, and from its establishment there was much hostility and resentment as evidenced from the media and the minutes of the PUC hearings. The Company was very litigious and went to the Courts whenever it could,Tony Sanchez Jersey, knowing that it was the Guyana consumers who would ultimately have to foot the bill.Then the company seemed to have had an inspiration and for the first time appointed a Guyanese, General Joe Singh,Dexter Fowler Jersey, as Chief Executive Officer of the Company. General Singh was able to bring back some consumer trust. When he demitted office,Milwaukee Brewers Travis Shaw Jersey, Dr Yog Mahadeo was appointed.Dr Mahadeo was a nationalist and always ensured that the consumer and the nation were fairly treated but he was also fully committed and devoted to his corporate interest. This ability to synthesize his company’s interest with the consumer’s and national interest was a rare achievement.Under Dr Mahadeo’s watch, consumer and public confidence and trust in the company grew and even the Government became more friendly. For the first time the feeling gradually grew that the company could become the country’s national telecommunications flagship company.At this high point, Dr Mahadeo demitted office. The image of the company began a downward slide and relations with the public and government gradually declined.GTT still has the potential of becoming the flagship telecoms company of Guyana and the preferable company by consumers but it has to nurture and develop along the lines mapped out by Mahadeo.Instead of moving along these positive lines, GTT has started up a new debacle: Without the knowledge and permission of the consumers and the PUC, it clandestinely and stealthily inserted in the landline,Detroit Tigers Omar Vizquel Jersey, recordings so as garner more money from the consumer. It seemed to be confident to be able to increase rates and change the terms of service before consumers or the PUC could be aware of it.The recording the company inserted said words to the effect that the person telephoned was not in or was unavailable. It came off after 5 rings. In many cases the person was at home and the party telephoning knew this. This misinformation by GTT caused much embarrassment.The old,Philadelphia Phillies Howie Kendrick Jersey, the sick and the poor are the ones who subscribe to landline phones because they do not make many calls and cannot afford cell phones. When the telephone cuts off after five or six rings, old and sick people cannot get to the phone on time and so lose what could be an important call. This aimless walking up and down by persons with arthritis is a distressing burden.After the pitfalls of the first message were known, the company changed that message to invite callers to leave a message for the person phoned. This ploy was to try to deceive consumers into giving them the impression that it was something like voicemail on cell phones. In point of fact, no messages were ever delivered.Telephone conversations are very personal things and to have third parties intervening is unacceptable.Just as this article was about to be dispatched to the newspapers,Gordon Beckham Jersey, a member of the GCA telephoned to say that the recording had been removed from my phone and I assumed that it had been removed from all others. But then one cannot be sure since GTT had clouded this whole illegal affair in secrecy.The reason why it is illegal:- (1) GTT has no right to change the rates or terms of service without the imprimatur of the PUC. (2) It has no right to intrude into a consumer’s or any citizen’s privacy. (3) Their stratagem of inserting a recorder so that when a caller answers,Minnesota Twins Drew Stubbs Jersey, a charge is immediately registered is trying a deceit.

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