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發表於 2017-7-10 02:59:03 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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A 64-year-old Guyanese teacher denied that he indecently assaulted a 16-year-old female student when he was arraigned in an Eleuthera Magistrates’ court this week.Superintendent Theophilus Cunningham,Donnie Jones Eagles Jersey, the officer in charge of Eleuthera, reported yesterday that John Persaud appeared before Magistrate Stephen Wilson,Tommy McDonald Eagles Jersey, the island’s local administrator, in Rock Sound, Eleuthera,Dion Sims Dolphins Jersey, on one count of indecent assault on Wednesday.Persaud, who teaches at Preston H. Albury High School, is alleged to have assaulted the student last month, Cunningham said. The teacher, who lives in Tarpum Bay,Jason Verrett Chargers Jersey, Eleuthera, was granted $3,000 bail with one surety.Cunningham said Persaud was ordered to surrender his travel documents. Additionally, he has to report to the local police station every Monday and Friday until the trial date, which is scheduled for June 17.In the meantime,Denzel Perryman Chargers Jersey, Persaud has reportedly been placed on administrative leave.Over the past several months, a number of teachers have been accused of assaulting students and have been placed on leave. Officers in Grand Bahama are currently investigating claims of sexual abuse at Jack Hayward High School.The school sexual complaints unit looked into allegations that two teachers at the school stayed in the same hotel room with a female student during a three-day trip to New Providence in February.The teachers allegedly attended the Hugh Campbell Basketball Tournament with the girl. It is alleged that one of them had sex with the girl. Another teacher allegedly attempted to have sex with the same girl,Antonio Gates Chargers Jersey, but she resisted his advances.It is alleged that a second incident took place in Grand Bahama during a school lunch break. The two teachers in question allegedly took two female students off the school’s grounds without getting permission from the Principal,Stephen Tulloch Eagles Jersey, according to a well-placed source. One of the students reportedly wanted Chinese food.The teachers allegedly bought beers as well as the food and took the girls to the home of one of the teachers.One of the students allegedly drank beer with the teachers before going into a bedroom with one of them for almost an hour. After that,Byron Maxwell Dolphins Jersey, she allegedly went into a bedroom with the other teacher. The student who accompanied the girl to the home allegedly informed another teacher about the incident. However,Danny Woodhead Chargers Jersey, it is alleged that this teacher did not alert authorities about the allegations. The Sexual Offences Act requires the mandatory reporting of alleged sexual abuse of minors. (Nassau Guardian)

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