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Evan Engram Jersey 000 for one unit of blood in the private sector









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The possibility of persons being delayed blood transfusions at a public medical institution is not unlikely as according to Minister of Health, Dr Leslie Ramsammy, blood cannot simply be taken from one person and given to another.His disclosure was in response to reports that persons have not been receiving blood upon request even after their family members would have donated.  He explained that having donated blood, efforts are then made to screen it, a process which takes a considerable period of time.“We all want our blood to be safe and that is why we have this process.”The Minister noted that blood that is used for transfusion must come from a pool of processed blood, thus the need for steady donation to ensure that ample amounts are always available at the National Blood Transfusion Service (NBTS).“It would be nice for people whose families need blood to go and donate blood regularly because that would mean everybody will keep getting blood. I hope we never have to go back to the old system where we told people they cannot get blood until their family donate…this is the system that exists in Trinidad and other countries.”“We all know of this experience…Can you imagine coming down from Berbice and being told you have to get your family to donate blood?  It is a very traumatic thing and right now we are not insisting on that…so if a patient doesn’t have somebody to donate, it does not mean that they will not get blood,” Minister Ramsammy asserted.He admitted that in recent times there have been patients who were in need of blood but could not have gotten it immediately, adding that sometimes blood is not always available.  According to the Minister, there are instances when there is a significant amount of unused blood and then there are other periods when there is no available blood for transfusion.“Sometimes we have blood just sitting but we can’t always use the blood even when we have it because the blood type we need for a patient is not the kind we have in stock. Even with family donation we cannot guarantee that we will have the type they need,NCAA Hockey Jerseys, that is why the NBTS is so important,” Minister Ramsammy stressed.Costly processAnd while it is imperative that blood is thoroughly processed to ensure its safety,Evan Engram Jersey, Minister Ramsammy noted that it does come at a relatively great cost to the public health sector.“This is not an inexpensive thing it costs us between US$60 and US$75 to process every unit of blood, so it is a very large expenditure on the public sector, but no one is charged even though we pay so much.”He pointed out that in the private sector the cost is unfortunately exorbitant, and noted that the Ministry of Health continues to appeal to private medical institutions to be reasonable,Wholesale China Jerseys, as blood in general is donated free of cost.The minister revealed that there have been reports of persons paying as much as G$20,000 for one unit of blood in the private sector, a state of affairs he has deemed as unfair.“While we ask the private sector to pay part of the screening cost, they only pay $3,500. No one should pay more than $4,NFL Jerseys Discount,000 or $5,Cheap NFL Jerseys Wholesale,000 for a unit…Blood was never intended to be a line item to generate money,Authentic Kyle Korver Hawks Jersey,” the Minister added.Meanwhile, heemphasised that the Ministry continues to dissuade incentivising when it comes to the donation of blood. According to him this is against the rules and regulations of blood donation, even as he insisted that “we do not accept anyone being remunerated for blood donation.We have to pre-screen and there are certain things that can be transmitted with blood and therefore we need people to cooperate with us and tell us the absolute truth about their lifestyles.”Minister Ramsammy noted that although some 9,500 persons had come forward last year to donate blood, only 7,800 were actually allowed to donate. This, he attributed to the fact that some persons were taking antibiotics, some had the common cold and some were deferred because of their lifestyle.“Ten years ago when we were far less rigid you had this thing about people coming and selling their blood…they weren’t selling to us because we never bought it, but to patients who needed blood and were hospitalised…then they had to bring their families to donate and many people would go on the streets and pay people to donate and those who are taking pay will never tell the truth, because they could miss out on being paid so that is why incentivising is not the best way.”He noted that the NBTS and some collaborators have incorporated a method whereby donors are rewarded with a small token for their contribution of the precious substance.

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