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[香港大學] Dan Hampton Bears Jersey xpvdmupv









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發表於 2017-7-10 07:19:22 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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– implicated in two other murdersSuspect Orpheus Johnson has reportedly confessed to being part of the gang that riddled Nandy Park resident Travis Rudder while the victim slept near his fiancée and baby son.A senior police official said that the suspect confessed yesterday evening, while implicating two other men in the attack. However,DeMarcus Cousins USA Jersey, Johnson reportedly gave no motive for the killing.He is likely to be charged early next week with Rudder’s murder, as well as with the murder of 32-year-old Gladstone George,Russell Westbrook Thunder Jersey, called ‘Brother’, who was shot dead in a minibus at Agricola a little over two months ago.If he is charged with Rudder’s murder,Tobias Harris Pistons Swingman Jersey, Johnson is also likely to be charged with the attempted murder of Rudder’s fiancée, Mawanza Gill,Authentic Taj Gibson Bulls Jersey, and the couple’s 18-month-old son,James Harden USA Jersey, who were wounded during the onslaught, which occurred last June.Johnson was nabbed last Sunday while attempting to board a minibus. Police also retrieved an unlicensed firearm from the suspect. Crime Chief Wendell Blanhum had confirmed that Johnson, whom he described as having “a rap sheet that is long as the Nile River,Stephen Curry USA Jersey,” was positively identified as the individual who shot George.Information provided to investigators also appears to link the detained man to the murder of ex-policeman Beepat Taijram, called ‘Biggs’ 28, of Albouys Street, Albouystown, who was shot dead earlier this year while driving a minibus along the Grove Public Road,Kobe Bryant USA Jersey, East Bank Demerara.Johnson’s criminal career dated way back to 2009 when he along with another man faced multiple charges, including murder.One of the charges read that at Grove, East Bank Demerara,Paul Millsap Hawks Swingman Jersey, Johnson, being armed with a gun, robbed Neeparam Nambudhoo of a cell phone and a ring.During his arraignment before then Chief Magistrate Mellissa Robertson, it was further alleged that at Kaneville, Johnson murdered Brendon Charles.Johnson’s rap sheet also contained the attempted murder of Krishna Persaud,Harrison Barnes Mavericks Jersey, who was shot in his left hip and upper abdomen during a confrontation with gunmen.Johnson was not convicted on the charges.

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