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發表於 2017-7-11 17:44:53 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Almost a year and a half after the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) approved about US$1 million for a bio-fuel project, it is only now gaining ground.Minister of Agriculture Robert Persaud yesterday said that the project is now in its implementation stage.The project is worth US$925,Spencer Paysinger Dolphins Jersey,000 and was awarded by the bank in April,Chris Culliver Dolphins Jersey, 2008.The IDB is the largest source of financing for development for Latin America and the Caribbean. Through its Sustainable Energy and Climate Change Initiative (SECCI), the IDB supports renewable energy and energy efficiency,Travis Benjamin Chargers Jersey, bio-fuel development,Dan Fouts Chargers Jersey, carbon finance,Matt Darr Dolphins Jersey, and adaptation to climate change.In August 2007, IDB President Luis Alberto Moreno signed a Memorandum of Understanding, through Japan funding,Dion Jordan Dolphins Jersey, to help Guyana evaluate and screen bio-energy project proposals.He said then that the programme will help to jump-start private investment in areas such as bio-fuel production and co-generation with biomass.The MOU was signed among the IDB, the Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture (IICA) and Guyana to establish a non-exclusive framework of collaboration to promote programmes and projects on renewable energy, energy efficiency and bio-energy in the Caribbean.According to Minister Persaud,Mychal Kendricks Eagles Jersey, his Ministry last week formally received the no objection to its procurement plan from the IDB.As a result,Matt Moore Dolphins Jersey, he said the request for quotations for office equipment and furniture for the project was dispatched last week.The Expression of Interest for projects is now being prepared and according to Persaud, this should be published locally and internationally by the end of the week.In addition,Philip Rivers Chargers Jersey, tender documents for the design of the demonstration plant are now being prepared. Persaud said this is awaiting specifications from the Institute of Applied Science and Technology.Preparation of the terms of reference is also being done at this time with the assistance of the IDB.

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