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The National Agricultural Research & Extension Institute (NAREI) has entered into a $6M agreement with seven University of Guyana (UG) lecturers to undertake, over the next year,Derrick Rose USA Jersey, 12 research projects focusing on abating climate change in relation to mangroves and its management.The projects, worth in excess of $10M,Authentic Michael Jordan Bulls Jersey, are in line with the overall objective of the Guyana Mangrove Restoration Project (GMRP).This is according to Chairperson of the Mangrove Action Committee, Annette Arjoon-Martins. She emphasised that each project could either be done as a senior undergraduate project or a graduate thesis by students from the Faculty of Agriculture and Forestry, School of Earth and Environmental Sciences,Nicolas Batum Hornets Jersey, or Faculty of Natural Sciences.The students would be collecting and analysing data on different topics aimed at assisting in monitoring and evaluating the GMRP. They would: develop coastal zone maps; identify community awareness,Karl Malone USA Jersey, interest and involvement in the GMRP; conduct chemical and sediment load assessments of water in the coastal zone; evaluate planting practices, locations and survival rates of seedling in the restored areas; estimate carbon sequestration in mangrove forests; establish permanent sample plots to test alternative planting methods; and test an alternative planting structure.Arjoon-Martins disclosed that the projects were reviewed for funding by technical representatives of the Sea and River Defence Division (S&RDD), Guyana Forestry Commission (GFC),Authentic Dirk Nowitzki Mavericks Jersey, Environmental Protection Agency (EPA),DeMarcus Cousins USA Jersey, and UG’s Turkeyen and Berbice Campuses.“This multi-faceted research effort will provide baseline information for further monitoring and evaluation efforts as well as provide opportunities to improve on current restoration efforts. Some of the projects are interwoven as an integrated effort to understand the interrelationship between coastal zone activities and the survival of existing and restored mangrove stands,” Arjoon-Martins said.“This collaboration was made possible by the considerable commitment of personnel time and resources (about GY$4 million) by UG,Dwyane Wade Bulls Swingman Jersey, GMRP,Kentavious Caldwell-Pope Pistons Jersey, NARI,Authentic Harrison Barnes Mavericks Jersey, GFC, EPA, S&RDD and several other agencies that have committed to support the lecturers and students in their data collection and analyses.”

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