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發表於 2017-7-12 04:40:53 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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By Latoya Giles The case against the Judicial Service Commission and Magistrate Geeta Chandan- Edmond is expected to be called up today before Justice Diana Insanally. The members of the JSC are Acting Chancellor Justice Carl Singh who acts as the Chairman,Rocky Bleier Steelers Jersey, Acting Chief Justice Ian Chang,Jack Lambert Steelers Jersey, Ganga Persaud, Justice Prem Persaud (retired) and Senior Counsel Brynmor Pollard.Lead attorney Nigel Hughes explained that on the last occasion,John Hannah Patriots Jersey, attorney at law Aston Chase S.C. who is presenting the JSC had filed an application for further particulars to be laid over to the court.Hughes had opposed the application since the Judge had already granted an Order Nisi stating that the JSC should show cause.Magistrate Edmond had filed a constitutional writ against the members of the Judicial Service Commission last month.By way of writ, the Magistrate claimed that her suspension on the basis of her absence from duty without approval was null and void.An affidavit stated that Magistrate is claiming that on July 2,Atlanta Falcons Jersey, 2009, she was informed of her aunt’s death in Suriname.The Magistrate said that she tried to contact the Acting Chancellor Justice Carl Singh the next day, to inform him of her intention to leave the jurisdiction.She said that several attempts to contact the Chancellor were futile. A message was left with the Chancellor’s secretary about her bereavement and her intention to attend the funeral in Suriname.Magistrate Edmond said she conducted her duties up until July 3 and adjourned the court after she finished all the listed cases.She said that she had seen the Chancellor while she was attempting to leave the jurisdiction,Dermontti Dawson Steelers Jersey, but was however unable to inform him about the death since the circumstances did not facilitate an appropriate opportunity. She returned to Guyana on July 6.On July 10, she received a letter seeking her explanation for her unauthorised absence from work on July 4, and also for her departure without seeking permission from the Judicial Service Commission.She complied and wrote a response to the Chancellor, and on July 22,Matt Ryan Falcons Jersey, she was invited to attend a meeting at his office.She attended the meeting and provided responses to the inquiries by the Chancellor.On July 29,Green Bay Packers Jersey, she was invited for a further meeting at the Judicial Service Commission; present at the meeting was Acting Chief Justice, Ian Chang, Ganga Persaud; Justice Prem Persaud and Senior Counsel Brynmor Pollard.On July 31, the Magistrate was informed that she would be suspended for two weeks and would not be paid for one week.The Magistrate said that she was not given a fair hearing during the meeting.The Magistrate is seeking damages in excess of $50,Logan Ryan Patriots Jersey,000 for the breach of Article 199 of the Constitution. She is also seeking damages in excess of $50,000 for the breach of her not being under the protection of the Office of the President.She is seeking damages in excess of $50,Ernie Stautner Steelers Jersey,000 for the wrongful suspension from the Office of the Magistrate for the period of two weeks.

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