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– Strategic Management HeadHead of the Department that is overlooking the Guyana Police Force’s strategic development plan believes that if given the time,St. Louis Cardinals Randal Grichuk Jersey, the unit could achieve its task of transforming the Force into a modern police entity.“Citizens must be patient and give the strategic management team time and space to do its work. We have a herculean task ahead of us. Changing an ingrained organisational culture that has been in place for decades will not happen overnight. But we stand ready and committed to be the drivers of change this Force needs,Zach Duke Jersey,” Patrick Mentore said.    Mentore heads a team on 10 civilian professionals,Arizona Diamondbacks Taijuan Walker Jersey, who are working alongside members of the Guyana Police Force in addressing the key priorities laid out in the Force’s strategic plan.The Ministry of Home Affairs in an effort at instituting sweeping reforms of the Guyana Police Force (GPF),Arizona Diamondbacks Gregor Blanco Jersey, had employed the high-level team of civilians who are from a variety of academic disciplines,Atlanta Braves Matt Kemp Jersey, and were carefully selected by an esteemed panel of individuals from within the private and public sectors.The team is expected to help optimize the collective performance of the GPF,Will Middlebrooks Jersey, guiding it towards significant organizational renewal and change.  Apart from Mentore,Kurt Suzuki Jersey, other members of the team are Rosanne Purnwasie – Team Leader; Mona Bynoe – Strategic Planning Officer; Kenneth Bentinck – Project Coordinator; Hermanetta Andrews – Monitoring & Evaluation Coordinator; Enid Thom-Alleyne – Risk Management Officer; Richard Francois – Change Communication Officer; Trovana Azeez – Change Facilitation Officer; Shameza David – Research Officer and Ian James – Analyst.Mentore in expressing his confidence in the team’s ability at achieving all performance targets set out in the strategic plan said,Colby Rasmus Jersey, “The Guyana Police Force is positioning itself to become a modern police institution in Guyana. With its strategic plan in place and the establishment of this new Strategic Management department,Brian McCann Jersey, along with the resolute commitment of the senior management of the Force, I am very confident that together we can transform the Force into a modern police entity. This strategic management team is especially convinced that all strategic objectives and goals will be achieved with efficiency and effectiveness.”

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