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發表於 2017-7-12 06:23:12 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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He is 23 years old and now the second youngest winner in the history of the Guyana Prize for Literature. Subraj Singh is proof that hard work and discipline actually pays off.2014 winner of the Guyana Prize for Literature, first book of fictionWhen asked what prompted him to enter the prize,Bud Norris Jersey, Singh said, “I just felt like the collection was ready and the opportunity was there. I felt that the world was ready for my work.” He related the pride he felt upon winning the prize and suggested that this is definitely not the last thing the literary community will see from him.The product of one year’s work, Singh’s collection is exclusively “Guyanese”. He believes that writers should write what they know and not try to imitate other cultures. This should not be done, he said, especially since Guyana has such a rich culture of its own. This culture has remained largely untapped over the years, save for a few select writers, poets and playwrights.Singh’s winning collection deals with social and political issues present in Guyana which have been told before by many other writers. “Except,Houston Astros Carlos Beltran Jersey,” said Singh, “in my collection, I try to do things differently from the ways in which they were presented before to make them more interesting-more relevant.”One of Singh’s short stories tells the story of the two major political parties, the PPP and the PNC, “but to do it differently than it was done before. I told it as a ghost story.” This, he said was done to make the story more interesting and as a result, hopefully make it more marketable to the public as they would not be turned off that they have heard the story before.“Yeah you’ve heard it before,Yan Gomes Jersey, but you’ve never heard it like this,” said Singh.When asked what is next for him, Singh expressed his hopes of soon gaining a job in the art sector and getting his book published. While he thinks that he will most likely end up approaching the Caribbean Press with his book,Atlanta Braves Bartolo Colon Jersey, he stated his reluctance given the belief that the press to be “too mired in controversy.”Singh said that his academic life helped him in many ways to become the writer he is today. He said that after writing his common entrance exam and gaining a place at Queen’s College, he realized that writing was the thing he was best at. Moving on to study Literature at the University of Guyana, he said, “If I didn’t study Literature,Miami Marlins Dustin McGowan Jersey, if I didn’t meet certain lecturers and people, the collection would not have existed. I applied all these ideas and all I learnt into my work.”Currently, Singh teaches Literature at the National Drama School where he recently completed his Diploma in theatre Arts. Singh also spoke fondly of his play,Trevor Plouffe Jersey, “Laugh of the marble queen,” which he said is a post colonial post-modernist drama.“Al Creighton in his review said that it pushes the boundaries of post modernism and post colonial theatre,Washington Nationals Matt Wieters Jersey,” said Singh.He said that he thinksrelated his belief that the play has a really great structure as it has two story lines which both happen at the same time. One part represents the present while the other represents the past.The play won best junior play in the National Drama Festival along with seven of the 15 awards for which it was nominated. It was nominated for Best production, best director,R.A. Dickey Jersey, best performing cast,Fernando Rodney Jersey, best script, best new Guyanese play.

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