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發表於 2017-7-12 08:55:00 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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An alleged caution statement and oral statements made by Darrel Ponton -—one of the men charged with the murder of Babita Sarjou-— to detectives at the Criminal Investigations Department (CID), Police Headquarters,Cheap NFL Jerseys China, Eve Leary, were admitted to form part of the prosecution’s evidence in the Preliminary Inquiry (PI).Yesterday, Chief Magistrate Ann McLennan ruled that based on evidence led in the Voir Dire (trial within a trial) the court was satisfied that the statements were freely and voluntarily made by the accused, and in accordance with the judge’s rule.It is alleged that Sarjou’s ex-spouse, Sharnandand Naraine, called ‘Anand’, of Lot 51 Seaforth Street,Wholesale Authentic Jerseys Outlet, Campbellville, Georgetown; and Ponton called ‘Yankee’ of Lot 54 Broad Street,Cheap NFL Jerseys Wholesale, Charlestown killed Sarjou.A Voir Dire trial was ordered by the Magistrate to inquire into the circumstances under which the statements were given. Several police ranks and civilians were called to testify.Another Voir Dire is continuing to inquire into the circumstances under which an alleged caution statement was given by Naraine to detectives.Police Sergeant Devon Lowe, a detective attached to the Major Crimes Investigations Unit was called as a witness, yesterday.Sergeant Lowe and three other police witnesses will be cross-examined when the PI continues on November 25.Crime Chief Wendell Blanhum and his team of detectives were able to crack the case on May 22, last, after they spent over five hours digging up a site at Naraine’s Lot 51Seaforth Street, Campbellville,Evan Engram Jersey, Georgetown,NFL Jerseys China Cheap, home where they believed Sarjou’s body was buried.After digging the site,NCAA Hockey Jerseys, detectives recovered skeletal remains they suspect are those of the woman. However, to confirm,Andy Pettitte Jersey, police have since sent DNA samples overseas for testing.According to reports, Sarjou had left her home to go to the Diwali motorcade on the eve of November 4, 2010 with Naraine who had called her. He reportedly picked her up in his car and while she was sitting in the front passenger seat she was strangled by Pronton who was reportedly seated at the back of the car.Sarjou’s lifeless body was allegedly transported to Naraine’s house he resided in with his wife and children. Reports had indicated that Naraine had dug her grave two days before she was killed.

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