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發表於 2017-7-12 10:43:12 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Dem boys seh slavery is ultimate cruelty.  Everybody know how  massa use to deal wid yuh. Was blows left, right and centre. As a matter of fact, dem use to beat de slave dem till dem back buss den rub salt pun it and put dem fuh lie down pun dey belly in de sun. Dat is how cruel dem people was to human beings.Dem seh slavery dun, but dem boys learn different yesterday when Rob-Earth tell dem Kak-Wani residents how guvment gat dem back. Dem residents call Kaieteur and wan fuh know wha he really mean. Dem wonder if he want fuh buss dey back and put salt or he tryin a ting pun dem fuh get de vote.De guvment suh like tek credit dat dem wan tek credit fuh allowing de media freedom fuh talk, but we all know is Dessie from de palm tree de bring free media to de country when de big market paper start. Dem boys seh is de Rat gat fuh tek credit fuh bringing freedom fuh cuss. He cuss up, down and all round. Dem boys seh he get a job by Ohh Pee as Advisor fuh cuss. Dem seh dat is de PPP responsible fuh mekking free speech in Guyana. But dem boys seh one “it” in Ohh Pee feel he coulda tek all de credit but he lie. De bank collect back de car wha he tek pon credit. He now gon wan credit dem bus man but dem boys warning dem early.Uncle Donald going by de eye institute in Port Mourant today. Dem boys force he fuh go cause dem know he almost blind by now. He bodyguard dem seh dem carrying he cause during a meeting wid de Rat de odder day,Jerseys NFL China, de Rat thief Uncle Donald glasses right off he face and Uncle Donald din even notice.De Rat aint mean fuh done. Dem boys seh he gon be de next star in Home Alone 5 –Tief Out All Guyana.Talk half and wait fuh de movie.

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