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After almost two years of begging and soliciting help, Corzetta Hercules is almost within touching distance of raising the US$24,750 required for the final surgery to correct a major birth deficiency that is afflicting her daughter, Malica.Already, Ms. Hercules has secured a little more than half the cost of the cranioplasty surgery, which is to be done at the Sick Kids Hospital in Canada.But acquiring the final amount is proving to be a big problem,NFL Jerseys China Cheap, and Ms. Hercules is desperately appealing for help to reach the final amount by September 30.Nine-year-old Malica was born on February 9, 1999,Wholesale Jerseys Group, the surviving member of twin girls, to Corzetta Hercules, who endured a difficult pregnancy.She was born with a cleft lip, damaged palate and dismorphic facial features.Her condition was made worse by a complicated delivery and the use of forceps, resulting in cranial damage to the right side of her head.Shortly after birth, she was turned over to the Red Cross Children’s Convalescent Home, because her low-income parents were unable to care for her.During her stay at the Red Cross, her condition was diagnosed by Dr. Spool,Wholesale China Jerseys, a plastic surgeon from Toronto’s Hospital for Sick Children.Malica has already undergone two sets of surgeries, one in 2002 and another in 2006, for a total of six operations at Sick Kids Hospital, Toronto, Canada.While most of the funds for the two previous sets of surgeries were met by the Herbie Fund of Canada,Jerseys From China, its internal policies do not allow them to pay for a third set of operations.The local Health Ministry has donated US$5000,Wholesale Jerseys, and a private donor has benevolently contributed another US$1000 to cover surgical expenses, while other donors have agreed to finance transportation costs and living expenses for Malica and her mother while in Canada.As Malica grows older,Wholesale Jerseys, changes in her facial composition increase,Jerseys NFL Wholesale, which makes her life difficult because of the taunting she gets from children and some adults.Despite her condition, Malica’s enthusiasm is best exemplified by her bubbly personality whenever she is around strangers.Ms Hercules is asking persons to kindly help Malica with a donation.Direct payments could be made to the Hospital for Sick Children,Wholesale Jerseys Free Shipping, c/o Malica Hercules.Funds should be sent to the Hospital for Sick Children, International Patient Office-Kenneth Maharaj, 555 University Avenue, Toronto, Ontario M5G1X8.Other donations could be made to Malica’s account #1159870, Demerara Bank,Cheap Jerseys Online, Camp Street and South Road, Georgetown.

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