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發表於 2017-7-13 17:50:53 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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– protest planned outside OP for Ramsaran’s sacking  Women’s rights activist Sherlina Nageer is to file a complaint with the police today regarding Health Minister Dr. Bheri Ramsaran’s recent threats to slap her and have her stripped.Sherlina NageerNageer told Kaieteur News yesterday that she has been advised to give a statement to Crime Chief Leslie James,Cheap NFL Jerseys, and made it clear that she hopes that this would lead to police having Dr. Ramsaran charged.Asked last week whether the embattled Minister could be charged, Crime Chief Leslie James had said that “anyone can be charged” if a report is made and sufficient evidence is provided.The women’s rights activist also revealed that she plans to join protestors outside the Office of the President between 11:00 hrs and 13:30 hrs to force the sacking of the Health Minister, as well as the firing of Attorney General Anil Nandlall over the recorded threats he had made to a Kaieteur News journalist.“We are asking the President to deal with the abusers and two of the main miscreants in his government; to fire them,Cheap NFL Jerseys,” Nageer said.Dr. Ramsaran landed in hot water last Monday after he was recorded berating Nageer, who had queried his presence outside the Whim Magistrate’s Court, with other PPP supporters,Custom Raptors Jersey, in support of former President Bharrat Jagdeo.Responding to her query Ramsaran had told Nageer to “shut your mouth and get out my face.” As his tirade continued, the Health Minister also called the activist an “idiot”, told her to “F off”,Wholesale Jerseys Cheap, referred to her as a “little piece of s**t”,Discount NFL Jerseys, then stated that he could “slap her ass,Andy Pettitte Jersey,” and “have some of my women strip her here…”And even after issuing an apology, Dr. Ramsaran was recorded labeling Nageer a “miscreant,Wholesale Jerseys,” and saying that she was in need of “psychiatric help.”His behavior has been condemned by some members of the diplomatic corps, dozens of political commentators and even members of his own party.President Donald Ramotar had denounced Dr.  Ramsaran over his verbal abuse of Nageer. According to Ramotar, “the statements and behaviour of the Minister do not reflect the high-standards I have set for Ministerial conduct nor the public’s expectations of an office holder. It is outright disrespectful and improper. I intend to have further discussions with the Minister on this matter.”But the People’s Progressive Party (PPP) had accused the “opposition media” of blowing the matter out of proportion.

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