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發表於 2017-7-14 12:10:46 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Forty-nine year old Fizal Ali, owner of the Wing’s Taxi service,Cheap NFL Jerseys Wholesale, yesterday appeared before Acting Chief Magistrate Melissa Robertson charged with indecent assault and abusive language.It is alleged that on July 12,Arizona Diamondbacks Gregor Blanco Jersey, Fazil Ali assaulted Alanna Dey,Cheap Soccer Jerseys Wholesale, who at the time was training to be the dispatcher for the Wing’s Taxi Service.Dey answered an advertisement for applications for the position that was in the Stabroek News.“I called and asked if the position was still available,Authentic Jerseys Sale, and they said yes”.  Dey was then asked to get an application together and take it into the Wing’s Taxi service. Upon doing so, the virtual complainant said that Ali asked her to have an interview done the very same day. The interview was conducted and Dey was asked to return the following day for training.Dey said that she returned the following day and began her training,Wholesale NFL Jerseys, which by all reports went well. She said that she was then asked to return again on the Sunday.On that day,Jerseys From China, she stated that Mr. Ali made comments about her attire and some indecent ‘jokes’.“I said,Nike NFL Jerseys China, ‘Mr. Ali I don’t mek jokes like that’”. She told the court that Ali continued to make the indecent remarks and subsequently assaulted her.“He asked me if I was one of the Miss Guyana (contestant) an seh that all a dem got small breasts…….come lemme see if you got small breasts.”Dey was given the next day off from work and was told to return on Tuesday. It was on this day that the alleged verbal abuse occurred.Mr. Ali’s attorney then told the court that Miss Dey had never reported this assault and had only informed the police after the second incident occurred.The attorney added that the virtual complainant was ‘somehow’ involved with a Senior Superintendent, who was one of the officers investigating the matter.He said that this whole matter seemed like a case of extortion.On a previous occasion Ali was refused bail. He was yet again refused bail, this time by Acting Chief Magistrate Melissa Robertson and is to return to court on July 20.

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