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The Indian Arrival Committee (IAC) has expressed the hope that Indo-Guyanese would not in any way be made to feel unwelcome and alienated during the tenure of the new governmentIn a release ,Cheap Jerseys Online, the IAC noted that they are ready to work with the new administration to continue its efforts to preserve,Discount NFL Jerseys, develop and strengthen the rich and diverse cultural traditions brought to these shores by Indian fore parents one hundred and seventy-seven years ago.“The IAC take this opportunity to welcome and congratulate the incoming government… Our organisation expects that the new administration would manage the affairs of our nation keeping in mind the welfare of all Guyanese”.The Committee however noted that the question of racism in Guyana, is clearly the main focus in this year’s General and Regional elections as the word got around about the APNU/AFC coalition wining the elections.“The Indian Arrival Committee (IAC),Cheap NFL Jerseys China, being aware of the results for the 2015 General and Regional Elections as announced by the Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM), wishes to voice its concern on the current sentiments being expressed with regards to the closeness of the polls.”“Over the years we have worked in this regard as part of our social mandate,Cheap Hockey Jerseys, security was found to be among the major concerns for Indo-Guyanese”.The IAC said they understand that there will be some excitement in these celebrations; however, it must not be to the discomfort and inconvenience of others. “In this regard,Nike NFL Jerseys China, while the IAC feels heartened by comments made by incoming President,Jerseys NFL Wholesale, Rt. Brig. David Granger,Authentic Jerseys Sale, calling for his supporters to be respectful and celebrate within the ambits of the law,Cheap NFL Jerseys, there is cause for concern in some quarters.”This concern was raised on various occasions over the years, and given that a new administration is on the verge of taking office, the IAC said it wishes to reiterate its call for security to be the primary focus.“Over the past few days, after it appeared that a new government may emerge, many reports were received indicating that some Indo-Guyanese were intimidated and threatened,Jerseys NFL Cheap, the release said.”

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