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發表於 2017-7-16 11:54:08 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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….as Guyana fails to comply with UN Security Council ResolutionsGuyana is gearing to formally establish the investigative unit, the Serious Organized Crime Unit.The announcement came from Head of the Presidential Secretariat,Wholesale NFL Jerseys, Dr Roger Luncheon, during his Post Cabinet Press engagement at Office of the PresidentAccording to Dr Luncheon, the unit would be set up in the Office of the Commissioner of Police and will be tasked with the investigation of specifically money laundering and countering of terrorism.Head of the Presidential Secretariat,Andy Pettitte Jersey, Dr Roger LuncheonMeanwhile,Brett Hull Red Wings Jersey, it was announced too that Guyana’s failure to approve the amendments to the Anti Money Laundering and Countering the Financing of Terrorism Bill has prevented the country from being accorded recognition of abiding and implementing United Nations Security Council’s recognition.On Monday last,Jerseys NFL China, a seven-member delegation from the UN Counter Terrorism Committee Executive Directorate (CTED) visited Guyana to assess the country’s compliance with Security Council’s Resolutions and review the need for technical assistance.Dr Luncheon, in providing a review of the two-day meeting, said that the opportunity was used by the UN team to identify some of their concerns.“Quite a bit of them had to do with the legislative architecture,Cheap Jerseys From China,” said Dr Luncheon who reminded also that although terrorism is an offence in Guyana the enactment of the amended Bill certainly prevents Guyana receiving a compliant recognition from the UN.The Cabinet spokesperson told media operatives that during the two-day visit, the team engaged Government and its organs in the review of counter terrorism and its principles and activities in Guyana. He said the UN team met and were provided with representations by the counter terrorism agencies in Guyana. These, he pointed out, were principally the law enforcement and national security representatives. He said that because of the countering financing aspect of the visit, the UN team also met with the Financial Intelligence Unit along with money laundering supervisory bodies.Dr Luncheon said that the focus of the team was Guyana’s counter terrorism architecture and particularly its architecture as set up in accordance with international treaty and the UN Security Council’s resolutions on countering terrorism.He said the team placed special attention to the recognition of terrorist events,Wholesale China Jerseys, what constitutes a terrorist event and the role of the national security bodies and “equally important our legislative instrument used to counter terrorism.”Dr Luncheon told media operatives that in meeting with the Guyanese professionals, the team was updated on the status of “our principal counter terrorism strategies,Cheap NFL Jerseys co, intervention which included the enactment of the Anti Money Laundering and Countering of Terrorism legislation.The UN delegation that visited Guyana included representatives from Counter-Terrorism Committee Executive Directorate CTED, International Maritime Organization (IMO),Cheap Jerseys From China, INTERPOL and the 1540 Committee.At the Opening Session held on Monday,Cheap Stitched Jerseys, the Head of the Delegation, Deputy Director of CTED, Weixiong Chen, recognized that Guyana was a party to 14 of the 18 International Conventions against Terrorism and to all major International Conventions on Human Rights.He had lauded Guyana’s tolerance of different religious beliefs and informed that Guyana’s position against terrorism was very clear and was appreciated by the UN. He advised on the need for a comprehensive and integrated national strategy specifically geared at counter-terrorism, as this had proven in practice to be a successful approach in other jurisdictions.

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