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發表於 2017-7-17 13:18:57 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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(Antigua Sun)- President of Guyana, Bharrat Jagdeo, has condemned Antigua Broadcasting Service (ABS) for only portraying what he described as the “negatives” coming out of a meeting held with the Guyanese community on Thursday evening.“The hall was full, it was an entirely positive meeting, we spent about two hours there, we spoke about a whole range of issues,Jerseys From China, and it was entirely positive,Authentic Kyle Korver Hawks Jersey,” Jagdeo said during a press conference at the Prime Minister’s Office.“Then I was told that ABS carried a report; they took the only two negative comments that were made — one about crime, and when the gentleman said he is not coming to Guyana because of crime, he is going to go to the USA, the whole crowd booed him.“The second person spoke about victimisation. Those were the only two comments that we had in two hours of interaction with my people there.”The President said the negative coverage which his meeting received was probably to create an impression that it did not go too well.“I am proud of my people, I visited them,Cheap NFL Jerseys Authentic, I know they are hard working people, and I can see that they work very hard here,” the President added.Jagdeo also expressed disappointment with the Caribbean Media Corporation (CMC),Cheap NFL Jerseys China, which also reportedly carried a similar story to ABS.“Let me make it clear,Sale NFL Jerseys, if people come here illegally, if they have falsified documents, the government and the law enforcement officers in Antigua have a right to protect the security and sovereignty of this country,” `Jagdeo further stated.“But I am totally upset when people are not treated with dignity and they are harassed unnecessarily and sometimes profiled.”Jagdeo said he does not want his people to be profiled, because they make a contribution to the Antiguan society among others.He believes that, as Caribbean nationals,Wholesale China Jerseys, they deserve to be treated in a fair manner; and if they break the law, it is only fair for them to pay the consequences.“But not be profiled,Jerseys From China, or targeted,Cheap NFL Jerseys, or harassed. I am totally opposed to that, because they are hard working people,Jerseys NFL Wholesale,” Jagdeo concluded.

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