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發表於 2017-7-17 20:17:01 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Alliance For Change Chairman Khemraj Ramjattan on Wednesday last wrote to Speaker of the National Assembly Ralph Ramkarran making out a case against Finance Minister Dr Ashni Singh,Deion Jones Falcons Jersey, and Housing and Water Minister Irfaan Ali.Ramjattan has placed the Speaker on notice that he would be filing motion(s) of Privilege and asked that “you find a prima facie case made out and that you permit me to bring such a motion(s) jointly or separately calling for both members,NFL Jerseys Cheap, Mr. Ashni Singh and Mr. Irfaan Ali,NFL Jerseys China Online, to be brought before the Committee of Privileges and be found in contempt of Parliament and be penalized thereafter.”Ramjattan in his argument states that “when the Minister of Finance in presenting his Motion to Approve Financial Papers No. 5 and No. 6 – more particularly the $4B to be approved for spending for Infrastructural Development and Building as at 11th January,NFL Jerseys Cheap China, 2010; and,Cheap Jerseys From China, (b) when the Minister of Water and Housing answered Sheila Holder’s question with his utterance – ‘We are ready’ – both these Ministers were knowingly misleading the House which is contemptuous conduct…It was conduct with an intention to deceive the august Assembly on a money matter which was peculiarly in their knowledge.”Ramjattan informed the Speaker that there can be no denying the fact that both the Minister of Finance and the Minister of Water and Housing knew that when they came for approval of the $4B in the Financial Paper that the money had already been spent“Unassailable information which has been made public now is that…The monies were indeed expended in 2009…It was released to GuySuCo in December 2009.”Ramjattan drew reference to the letter that was written by Prime Minister Samuel Hinds seeking to have Deborah Backer found in contempt of the House where he said,Cheap Sports Jerseys, “I therefore whilst being very mindful of the privilege and immunities of the legislature and its members and recognizing that freedom of speech in the House is given legal immunity…nevertheless am aware that this privilege is not to be abused nor to harm the integrity of the House not breach public trust in the elected representatives.”

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