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發表於 2017-7-18 03:18:49 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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…as businessman donates new gate for Timehri Police Station  While the nation depends on the police for security, a concerned business has turned the tables around and has enhanced the security of ranks at the Timehri Police Station,Authentic Jerseys Sale, by donating a metal gate that will secureMrs. Bhaskarran cuts the ribbon that hold the newly installed gate in the presence of Commander Hicken and other police officers and ranks.the entrance to the facility.This all came about when Sri Lankan born naturalized Guyanese Joseph Bhaskarran visited the station sometime late last year and saw the condition of the gate.Being a skilled fabricator and owner of one of Guyana’s leading metal dealing companies,Wholesale NFL Jerseys, JB Metals,Jerseys NFL Wholesale, Bhaskarran decided that he had to do something about it.He quickly informed the station management of his intention to help build a gate. This was immediately welcomed and subsequently communicated to the police A Division top brass at Brickdam and approval was granted.A few weeks later, the task was completed and the spanking new metal gate was fitted into place.The initiative fits into the police’s thrust of building partnerships with members of the various communities that it serves.Speaking at the formal handing over of the gate at the Timehri Police Station, Divisional Commander Clifton Hicken said that the police force is going through a period of modernization and one of the major pillars in partnership.“What I’m overwhelmed about is to see members of the public coming on board,Cheap Jerseys From China, recognizing the need of the organization and realizing those needs,Authentic Kyle Korver Hawks Jersey,” Hicken stated.He praised the business for embracing positive thinking, since he could have seen the dilapidated gate and highlighted it to the media to paint a negative picture of the Police Force.“But, no! You look at the negative we had and turned it into a positive. This can only strengthen our relations from these types of gestures,” Hicken said to a gathering that included ranks of the station as well as employees of Bhaskarran’s company.The Commander said that he would love to see other businessmen emulate the move as Bhaskarran.“Whether you give to us or not, we have to give to you because we are service-oriented. But the little comfort you are putting into us is welcomed because now, we can have one person as the compound sentry instead of having two or three,Wholesale Authentic NFL Jerseys, so you know what, the other two or three will be in the community,” the commander stated.He added that the donation was timely, especially since the election period is heating up and there will be greater emphasis on security not just for the police station but for all the houses within the Timehri communityBhaskarran,Jerseys NFL Wholesale, who is a part of the Timehri Station Management Committee, said that he was happy to support the Guyana Police Force,Cheap NFL Jerseys Wholesale, especially the Timehri Police Station which serves the community where he and his workers reside.“They keep us safe and secure. So as we grow in business,NFL Jerseys China Cheap, we will continue to increase our support for the police,” said Bhaskarran.It is hoped though, that the gate will not be kept closed thereby deterring persons from accessing the station both day and night.

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