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發表於 2017-7-21 09:52:38 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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–    As charitable Foundation and relatives clash over issues While, two-year-old Sayeid Phillips’s health continues to deteriorate, his relatives are of the view that they have been treated inequitably by the Three Rivers Foundation.The foundation is a charitable organisation dedicated to helping sick children in Guyana whose parents are too poor to afford medical care.   Most times, the foundation affords families the opportunity to travel overseas to undergo surgery.In Sayeid’s case, relatives have lost hope of acquiring help since the toddler was diagnosed with Teratology of Fallot (a congenital heart) at birth. His mother was told by doctors that the boy would need to undergo a corrective heart surgery, which is only performed overseas.Sayeid Phillips and his mother, Shenaz IqbalTheir faith has dwindled as the Three Rivers Foundation, the premier and possibly only Care foundation that can assist them is refusing to do so.However,NFL Jerseys China Cheap, in a correspondence to Kaieteur News, Head of the Foundation, Jeanette Singh,Cheap Jerseys From China, explained that the child Sayeid Phillips was supposed to be travelling to India within the next two to three weeks with another patient.She said that problems arose during the documentation process.  Singh,Jerseys From China, who resides overseas, said that “Phillip’s family was showing up whenever they felt like.”“The other patient could not wait on that family to “show up” whenever they felt like.  Hence the reasons for taking the child off the list for now.”Several months after his diagnosis, Sayeid’s family,NFL Jerseys Supply, in dire need for help,Jerseys NFL Wholesale, turned to the Three Rivers Foundation. There, the ailing child’s mother and grandparents learnt that the surgery the child required would cost US$6,500, travel allowances excluded.But several months after acquiring the necessary finances, and documentation,Nike NFL Jerseys China, Sayeid’s relatives say that they have been denied the assistance of the foundation to travel overseas. The boy, accompanied by his mother, was scheduled for New Delhi, India, this August.“It is a most discouraging feature that I have come across in my life, one of anxiety and one of tears. I am moved to believe that poverty is curse… Sayeid has holes in his heart, needs help; his condition is getting worse by the day,” one relative stated.The boy’s mother, Shenaz Iqbal,Cheap NFL Jerseys co, said that she sought the assistance of several organizations, including the Central Islamic Organization of Guyana (CIOG),Cheap NFL Jerseys China, and the Ministry of Health (MOH).Iqbal said that Rita Guyadin, a staff attached to Three Rivers, initially promised to assist her. In time she became insensitive to the issue.“She de promise fuh help but when we done get the estimate and the cheque then she start going around in circles. Is how many days now we going fuh meet she and getting excuse that she gone out …She say how we miss the appointment,” a confused Iqbal related.Iqbal said that Ms Guyadin finally told her the family will no longer be traveling to India for little Sayeid to undergo the surgery he needs.“She just say that she can’t help we and that we must come fuh we documents.”Singh recalled one instance where relatives were scheduled to sign the necessary visa applications but “never showed up”.“There were numerous phone calls to the child’s mother and grandfather to have them come in and sign the necessary visa applications.  They never returned the phone calls nor did they come to the office to sign the necessary documents.  They were asked to come to our Guyana office on the week of July 8…they never showed up.”The following week, Singh said the mother of Sayeid went to Ministry of Health,Jerseys NFL Cheap, Georgetown to collect a Government draft from Bibi Seeraj at the Ministry of Health.“Ms Seeraj gave her the draft and a copy of the Max Hospital estimate and she informed the mother to drop the documents to Three Rivers.  The mother never showed up. Seeraj tried to get in touch with the mother without any success.We have reasons to believe (information given to us by other organisations in Guyana) that the family has been collecting funds with the hospital document which they got from Bibi Seeraj for their own use.”“I believe that the family does not have the child’s best interest at heart,” the correspondent said.“We require cooperation, honesty and trust from families we take to India.  This family has demonstrated a ‘care free attitude’.”As such Ms Singh suggests the intervention of the Child Protection Agency in Guyana to “see what is going on with this child and how best he can get the help he so desperately needs.”

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