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發表於 2017-7-21 16:02:44 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Last week was a historic one for the country as many persons were for the first time in their lives exposed to the formation of a government by a new party.After 23 years, the People’s Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C) lost its rein on power and while most of Guyana jumped head first into celebration mode – loud music,Jerseys NFL Wholesale, cheering, dancing and waving party flags around – there were those who were far from happy.The recently concluded Regional and General Elections were so closely contested,Wholesale Jerseys, that there were almost as many happy people as those who were disappointed. Resultantly “walking on egg shells” occurred in places like Berbice which voted predominantly for the losing party, according to reports.Last week dragged by as persons spent a large portion of their time either glued to their television sets waiting for word from the Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM) or staying away from work and school,Arizona Diamondbacks Gregor Blanco Jersey, anticipating the unknown.The final announcement of results did little to ease the tension, however, as areas like Berbice were still grappling from the fact that the party that electors predominantly wanted in power,Wholesale Jerseys From China, did not succeed.Berbicians report that the tension and fears were mounting. Some even say they hadn’t seen their neighbours in days, despite knowing they were home.There are reports that an eerie quiet overtakes Berbice each night. By 18:00 hours every day, the streets of certain communities were nothing short of empty. Those communities were found largely along the Canje and Corentyne areas.In areas like New Amsterdam,Soccer Jerseys From China, supporters of the coalition, A Partnership for National Unity and Alliance for Change (APNU+AFC) flooded the streets,Discount NFL Jerseys, celebrating victory for the party which “dethroned” the PPP/C following the elections.One Berbician employed with a government agency,Wholesale China Jerseys, told Kaieteur News that tension is high in her office as the fear of losing their jobs looms. The head of her agency,Cheap Jerseys Online, she said, is the one questioning whether she would lose her job.By Monday the town generally returned to normal activity but certain areas remained tense. Palmyra, she explained, is one village which still goes “dead” by 18:00 hours.“According to one official, the situation is further compounded by persons who often confront those walking the streets on issues of race and voting. “Persons are walking around Berbice shouting and making all kinds of remarks at these people. In a lot of the cases they can’t know who they would have supported in the elections,Authentic Jerseys Sale,” the official said alluding to the longstanding perception of persons voting along racial lines.He said that many were subjected to threatening text messages and anonymous phone calls while on the streets, distasteful slurs are thrown at them. He said in some instances supporters of the other party tramp through predominantly East Indian villages and that itself causes fear.The official feels it is imperative for the new President to appeal to his party supporters to be calm. “People are very fearful,” he said.

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