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Cheap Jerseys Free Queenstown









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發表於 2017-7-21 20:21:27 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Thirteen-year-old Gem Klautky has been reported missing since last Saturday, July 19, and her father, Colin Klautky, is desperately trying to locate her.The young girl was last seen on Saturday afternoon at approximately 1:30 pm at Anira and Albert Streets, Queenstown, wearing a pink three-quarter pants and a pink top.Her father said that she left their Charles Street, Charlestown home on Saturday morning at around 10:10 am for her choir practice, which is usually held at the Brickdam Cathedral.Practice sessions finished at 12:00,China Jerseys Cheap, but, according to Mr. Klautky, his daughter did not return home right away.He said that some of her friends told him that they went for an afternoon lime at Anira and Albert Streets, Queenstown, after which the teen boarded a route 45 minibus,Deion Jones Falcons Jersey, telling her friends that she was heading home.Since then,Andre Branch Dolphins Jersey, no one has seen or heard from Gem Klautky. Her father said that he has contacted all of his relatives and friends, but they, too, have not seen or heard from the girl.The man noted that his daughter, who attends the St. Mary’s Secondary School in Brickdam, was always in the habit of reaching home late from school.At times,NBA Authentic Jerseys, he said, she would be caught ‘joy riding’ in some minibuses, and would be very ‘friendly’ with the minibus conductors.Mr. Klautky says that he has spoken to his daughter many times about her behaviour and the type of friends she associates with, but,Cheap Jerseys From China, according to the man, the teen never paid any attention to his advice.In tears, Mr. Klautky said that the youth is his only child, and he has an awful feeling that she is being held against her will.He noted that his daughter does not have the physical ability to fight, even if she is being forced to do something against her wishes.The obviously frustrated father did admit that his daughter had a ‘few’ boyfriends, some in the school and some who were minibus conductors.He said that on the last day of the school term,Artemi Panarin Jersey, the headmistress of the school caught her kissing a boy.Mr Klautky said that he flogged the girl, but noted that he never made it a habit of beating her.Mr. Klautky is pleading with the teen to return home, as he and his wife are worried that she is in great danger.A missing person report has since been filed at the Ruimvelt Police Station, and anyone knowing the whereabouts of 13-year-old Gem Klautky is asked to make contact with her parents on telephone numbers 226- 2814, 225-2479, 670-6092 or contact the nearest police station.

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