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發表於 2017-7-21 22:29:30 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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A family of Costello Housing Scheme has been forced to remain without water supply for over five years, due to the reported arrogance of neighbours whom they claim ‘fenced in’ a water main and connection that took potable water to the family’s home.Cleveland Anniborne,NFL Jerseys Outlet, of 97 Costello Housing Scheme, Georgetown,NFL Jerseys China Cheap, said recently that on December 18, 2003, an irate neighbour, whom he named,Cheap Stitched Jerseys, disconnected the line from the main that supplied his home with water.He said that the neighbour and several others then built a fence on the Government reserves in that area, in the process enclosing the fixture that took water to his home.During December 2003, Anniborne said, he tried to remove the bricks to get water by putting his hands through a hole in the fence, but two male neighbours living in close proximity to him confronted him. One of them even dealt him a blow on the left hip and right temple with a cutlass.The man said he reported the matter to the East La Penitence Police Station and received a medical certificate, but his assailants were never arrested.Anniborne is lamenting the fact that being without water for such a prolonged period has ‘thrown his family life’ into total chaos.He said that often his children would have to go to school without a shower, since he has to fetch water from sometimes great distances.Anniborne and his family have to sometimes bear the wrath of reluctant villagers when they try to access water from their taps. The man said he has been running to the GWI incessantly, but to no avail.He said that at one interval he was told to pay a $1000 reconnection fee, which he did and supplied his receipt as proof,Wholesale Jerseys Free Shipping, but according to the man,Evan Engram Jersey, the GWI field workers turned up and were prevented from executing the reconnection by the said neighbours.According to Anniborne, the GWI representatives told him that since they were prevented from making the reconnection by residents, the Mayor and City Council would have to intervene and have the fence removed.The father of four told this newspaper that he has been visiting the Mayor and City Council and has been receiving promises to have the fence torn down,Jerseys NFL Cheap, but to date, nothing has been down to alter the situation.He said that at one time a Town Hall representative came and checked the fence,Cheap Jerseys Online, but never returned after.When GWI was contacted, Supervisor Paul Profitt said that they were aware of the situation and were willing to assist.However, he indicated that before any alterations can be made, the fence will have to be removed for the GWI employees to execute their duties.At the Mayor and City Council, sources from the Engineering Department expressed surprise at the issue. One official there indicated that if Anniborne was a paying GWI customer and was not in arrears, he does not see why his water source could not be connected.He added that it was expected that GWI put the necessary strategies in place that would ensure the Anniborne family receive water, provided they were paying customers.

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