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發表於 2017-7-22 00:06:29 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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A group of residents of Number Two Village,Cheap Jerseys From China, East Canje,Jerseys NFL Wholesale, Berbice, turned up at the home of centenarian Ellen Benny on New Year’s Day to give her a pleasant surprise for her 103rd birth anniversary.Her beautifully decorated birthday cake, apples, grapes, sweets and other goodies were placed on the table by the residents. The elderly woman was assisted by her son, Edmond, in cutting the cake.A representative of the group, Mr. Andre Hidar made a few remarks. The group consisted of Monica Hidar, Agnes Kassim,Cheap Jerseys Free Shipping, Reeta Naraine and Andre Hidar.“This (surprise party) was made possible by members of the village: The Hidar,NFL Jerseys China Cheap, Dhanraj and Kassim families,” he added.“Additionally, a few corporate entities located in the village pitched in their bit in making the day a special one for Ms. Benny.” These companies are ‘Moustache Establishment’, Lakho’s Taxi Service and Universal DVD Club.The entities also prepared a lovely grocery hamper for the centenarian. “We are encouraging others out there in the community to continue giving to her,Brett Hull Red Wings Jersey, because we recognize she is a centenarian, and she needs care at this time…and remember her in your prayers and engender to give tangibly whenever the time is available,” Hidar said.Hidar also recited a lovely poem which he wrote specially for the centenarian.“Happy Birthday on your 103rd year. Celebrate while you can and be of good cheer. Happy Birthday and don’t you be alarmed.As the years seem to fly by, just two (2) more to go and you’ll be 105.Now there’s less catching shrimps and taking strolls on the #2 road dressed in red, instead you’ll be welcoming a warm bath and your bed,” he recited.Ms Benny worked tirelessly in her younger days,Wholesale Jerseys, in the backdam and on her parents’ Letter Kenny, Corentyne farm, but inherited nothing since it was the custom in those days to bequeath material possessions, land and property to the sons.Her parents,Wholesale Jerseys, Babe and Bissessar Singh, were very affluent,Authentic Jerseys Sale, owned large acreages of land and dealt in cattle and rice farming.The centenarian’s son Edmond and her granddaughter Angela lamented that most of Benny’s relatives seem to have forgotten that she is around, especially now during her time of need.Expressing gratitude on Thursday during the celebrations, Edmond,Bobby Orr Jersey, thanked the group of villagers for remembering his mom.He said that it was just three nights ago that his mother took ill and he had to take her to the hospital. “The doctor said it was her heart, since she is getting old—a slight heart- attack—and he gave me tablets and told me to go back at month end.”The centenarian, once featured in this newspaper, does not speak much, since she has a hearing problem.She had requested the public’s assistance in accessing a hearing- aid, and even though many persons responded to the newspaper article, the old lady still does not have the hearing device, mainly because of the large buildup of wax in her ears. Doctors, to date, have not been able to remove the substance.

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