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發表於 2017-7-22 05:54:34 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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– claims no tender process used for hiring consultantThe People’s Progressive Party (PPP) has raised concerns about the Ministry of Citizenship’s internal structure and the fact that its long standing General Registrar has gone on leave. The party is of the view that the ministry is developing a sinister agenda designed to manipulate voters’ list.PPP General Secretary Clement RoheeIt has also blasted the government for failing to tender for the consultancy spearheading the legislative review of the Registration of Births and Deaths Act. This review is being undertaken by Triumph International Group under the auspices of the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF).This was communicated during the PPP press conference at Freedom House on Monday. According to Rohee,Wholesale Jerseys Free Shipping, when he left office as Minister of Home Affairs,Cheap NFL Jerseys, he left behind a competent team at the GRO.He lauded the work of Registrar General of the GRO, Greta McDonald. She is currently on leave but he expressed concern about the “internal arrangements” at the GRO.“McDonald did a formidable job bringing the GRO technologically and otherwise to a level at which it never was up to when the PNC left it,” Rohee declared. “Felix must tell the nation why he got rid of such a competent woman of worth,NFL Jerseys Outlet, who did so much to make the GRO comparable in delivery of service with any other civil registry in any other CARICOM country.”Rohee stated that McDonald put systems in place to minimize corrupt practices at the GRO, including a buffer between staff members and members of the public. This buffer, the postal services, was described as working well.“Felix had announced that approximately 4,Cheap NFL Jerseys,000 birth records are to be entered daily from data which is to be taken from the current paper-based birth and death certificates. (He also announced that it) will be entered into a Civil Events Registration System (CERS) which is intended to produce electronic birth and death certificates.”Rohee stated that Felix had further announced that “over three million birth,Jerseys NFL Cheap, marriage and death records are to be computerized.”  He described the millions of birth registration records as worrying.Back in September,Cheap NFL Jerseys China, at the announcement of the law review; from left Winston Felix, Minister of Citizenship; UNICEF country representative Marianne Flach and Patrick Triumph, CEO of Triumph International Group.“It is not clear whether the CERS is the same system that the PPP/C administration was aiming to put in place. Felix must clarify whether this is so or not.”At this point, Rohee launched into an invective. He claimed that “word has it that the Department of Citizenship was created to re-introduce efforts by the PNC to control the births and deaths registration process with a view to manipulating the voters’ list by keeping the name of dead persons on the list of electors and by transferring names of underage persons from the birth register to the preliminary voters’ list.”When asked to clarify where he got such information from, Rohee declined to specify. However he expressed reservations that Felix had established the linkage between birth certificates and elections. The General Secretary also insinuated that new recruits at the GRO were suspect.UNICEF projectIt was announced in September that UNICEF would be leading an education plan that will support the drive to universal birth registration. It was also announced that the Government and UNICEF would partner to review the legislation affecting birth registration and improve it.The project was expected to be rolled out in 2016,Cheap NFL Jerseys Authentic, with the first stage lasting for two years. The plan of action is also expected to include decentralizing services, improving access to efficient and quality services, budget and expenditure.Patrick Triumph, Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Triumph International Group, will be taking a leading role in the review. Rohee expressed reservations about the fact that no tendering process was observed.Asked whether he did not believe in the efficiency of UNICEF safeguards,Cheap Jerseys Online, Rohee stated that he merely wanted to highlight an issue of concern.Government had announced its aim to increase birth registration to 100 percent,Wholesale China Jerseys, noting that the registration rate currently stands at between 89 and 92 percent.

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