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發表於 2017-7-22 19:13:15 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Alleged wife-killer Alan Barker was captured yesterday in Sophia while seeking employment from a resident who recognized him and tipped off the police.Donessa BarkerAlan BarkerA source said that Barker was taken into custody after leading police on a chase from ‘B’ Field to ‘C’ Field,Artemi Panarin Jersey, Sophia.Barker has been on the run since allegedly stabbing his 28-year-old wife, Donessa Barker to death at Bagotville, West Bank Demerara last Thursday.But Barker might still have been at large hadn’t the victim’s close friend, Shaneiza Clark,Cheap Jerseys From China, sent pictures of the suspect to her friends.One of the friends happened to be a ‘B’ Field,Fernando Rodney Jersey, Sophia resident who Barker allegedly visited at around 09.00 hrs yesterday and asked for a job. According to Shaneiza Clarke, the resident immediately recognized the fugitive and ‘hired’ him to do some masonry work. According to reports, while Barker was busy at his new job,Kyle Korver Hawks Jersey, his ‘employer’ contacted the police.A source said that when the cops arrived, Barker ran from ‘B’ Field to ‘C’ Field, where police captured him. On being arrested, the suspect reportedly denied being Barker. However, Clarke said that she turned up at the Turkeyen Police Station and positively identified Barker.He is likely to be charged this week.Shaneiza Clarke expressed relief that the suspect is in custody, since she had alleged that Barker had sent threatening calls to her while he was on the run. The slain woman’s cousin,NBA Authentic Jerseys, Dumissa Thomas, expressed similar sentiments. “The whole family is relieved. At least we can get some closure and justice,” she said.Barker, also called ‘Nabine’, collapsed on the front stairs of Clarke’s Lot 21,Marlon Humphrey Jersey, Inner Bagotville home last Thursday after sustaining multiple stab wounds about the body.The woman alleged that Donessa Barker’s husband, who had sneaked into the house, escaped through a window after attacking his spouse.She claimed that the man was angry because Donessa wanted to end the relationship. The couple got married last year and has a daughter who would be two years-old in June. Relatives said that Donessa had lived at Vergenoegen, East Bank Essequibo, but moved with her husband to Bagotville about a month ago.Barker’s cousin, Dumisa Thomas, described the suspect as an abusive husband who had once doused his wife with hot water. She said that Donessa had however denied that her husband had inflicted the injury.

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