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發表於 2017-7-22 20:22:25 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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–    Foul play suspectedEarly yesterday morning, residents of Parfaite Harmonie,Cheap Jerseys From China, West Bank Demerara were greeted with the unpleasant sight of a semi-nude body lying face down in a mud puddle. It was that of well-known resident Robert Manna called ‘Jake’The 54-year-old man’s remains were in front of his friend’s house at 3893 Third Street, Westminster.Dead: Robert MannaHis pants were below his knees, and there were visible wounds to the back of the head. Residents believe that the father of two was beaten and sodomized by some of his “drinking buddies”.The man’s relatives told Kaieteur News that he had left his First Street home on Friday night,Cheap NFL Jerseys Wholesale, and had been “drinking rum, and watching the cricket” with several other persons, at the aforementioned friend’s house.Manna’s body was discovered at around 06:00hrs by a female resident who was, at the time, taking her goats out for a walk. An alarm was raised and many persons rushed to the scene.“When we come, all the man behind did showing. Poor Jake…he don’t trouble nobody. Is right in front he friend house them find he to, and Jake does do anything fuh he friends them,” one resident said.Many suspect that Manna might have had an argument with the men he had been drinking with,Cheap Jerseys Online, after which he was beaten in the front yard before being taken to the street and sodomized. Persons also believe that the man drowned as a result of his face being forced into a puddle of muddy water.“That is what happened, because it had blood stain and suh in the yard. He hand bury down in the loom,Cheap Jerseys Free Shipping, and from the backup that back up behind he foot, yuh could see clear,Cheap Jerseys From China, clear that Jake kick up before he dead. It look like dem bury he face and drown he in the water to. Not only dat, it had other footprints at the side of the body. Yuh could see the impression of wha happen,” the man’s brother Philip said.Manna’s friend Ramesh, owner of the house in front of which the body was discovered, was arrested after the police were informed. The man reportedly told ranks of La Grange Police Station that he did not know what happened to ‘Jake’, and that he (Ramesh) was drunk the night before.While Kaieteur News could not get to speak to Ramesh, residents of the area said that prior to the arrival of the police, the suspect told them that he had a few friends over for drinks,Cheap Stitched Jerseys, and they were having fun watching cricket, after which he fell asleep and did not know what occurred.There were no eyewitnesses.Manna’s son (right) and brother (middle) look at his remains as other persons stand in proximityThe police in a press release said that investigations are continuing into the circumstances surrounding the dead of Manna, whose body bore suspected marks of violence.A post mortem examination is expected to be conducted soon.

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