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發表於 2017-7-22 23:01:30 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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A man was on Friday last given some strong advice by Magistrate Lesley Sobers after he appeared before the court head for verbally abusing his wife when he found her talking with another man at their home.Thirty-seven –year-old Gabriel Lochand of Lot 154 Eccles East Bank Demerara appeared at the Providence Magistrates’ Court for the offence of abusive language, to which he plead guilty. Lochand was accused of using obscenities to his wife Julie Jaikarran-Lochand, the mother of his children.The prosecution explained that on January 31 while at the couples Eccles’s residence,Deion Jones Falcons Jersey, Lochand arrived home from work and saw his wife engaged in deep conversation with another man, while they consumed alcohol. The prosecutor said the man became irate and began to abuse his wife using a series of Fs and Ss. Lochand also told his wife to leave their home, and to take their children with her. The wife unhappy with her husband’s behaviour,Cheap Jerseys Free, reported the matter to the police station and Lochand was charged with the offence.Lochand first denied ordering his wife to take their children and go. He said he knew the man his wife was drinking with,NFL Jerseys China Online, and complained that he had told her on several occasions that his friends were not her friends and likewise,Throwback Jerseys, her friends not being his. With some level of acknowledgement from the court,Deion Sanders Falcons Jersey, the man claimed that he knows his friends and it was not appropriate that she should be drinking with him.The court decided that it was a fair claim by the husband, but it was also inappropriate the manner in which Lochand handled the situation.He was told that his wife must care for him since when it came to the issue of punishment for the crime; she was the first to jump up and say “I will pay the fine.” The woman said she did not want her husband to go to jail but “is how de thing look when he start to cuss up.” She explained that the incident was very embarrassing and that is why she made a report.Lochand understood that a penalty of six months imprisonment hung over his head for the offence. He was warned by the court that such behavior between a husband and wife should not exist. The magistrate even sought to provide some further counseling when he explained a scenario between him and his wife.Lochand was finally advised on temper issues. The magistrate claimed that one must try to maintain their temper even in the most aggravating of situations. He recommended that the next time there is tension; the couple should resort to taking the issue into the privacy of their home and speaking about it.Lochand was then ordered to pay a $10,Artemi Panarin Jersey,000 fine for abusing his wife who quickly handed the money over to her husband to pay the court.

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