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Cheap Sports Jerseys GLAC









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發表於 2017-7-23 03:00:51 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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…service complements fight against domestic violence-ManickchandMinister of Human Services and Social Security Priya Manickchand says that she is very pleased with the populace’s utilization of the legal services adding that under active consideration at present is the introduction of the service in the hinterland.Coastal dwellers, Berbicians and Essequibians are already enjoying the Legal Aid services.She added that also under active consideration is the training of paralegal clerks, who, with the help of the Internet could assist in providing a speedier service to the hinterland residents.The Minister made the comment during a recent visit to the Essequibo Legal Aid Clinic. She said that as of last December in excess of 300 people have benefited from the service.She added that without the service such beneficiaries would not have access to legal help given the fees that are charged by private lawyers.She added that the service was also important to the populace not just because of the legal representation in court but it also complements the fight against domestic violence and deadbeat fathers, “this is where persons come to get legal assistance.”Over the years the Guyana Legal Aid Centre (GLAC) has been playing an integral role in assisting persons of limited means with legal advice and representation.The centre has four offices in Georgetown,NFL Jerseys Cheap China, Essequibo, West Coast Berbice and East Berbice/Corentyne.Attorney-at-Law Khemraj Ramjattan recently said that legal aid is a very positive development and commended Manickchand,Deion Jones Falcons Jersey, for the service outside Georgetown.According to Ramjattan, lawyers’ fees and costs for bringing litigation are largely beyond many persons in Guyana, and the Government has helped by stepping in and providing some form of legal aid.Ramjattan added, also, that the government should ensure that more money is put into legal aid, and not the very sparse sum that is today being put. Statistics show that from January to September last year, GLAC had a clientele of 1,460.The website states that for civil matters, which include adoption,NFL Jerseys From China, bigamy, division of property, divorce and domestic violence, the legal aid centre had interviewed 1,361 persons, advised and represented 645, given advice to 711 persons, and found 5 persons ineligible for legal aid.In terms of criminal matters, such as assault, disorderly behaviour, murder/manslaughter, rape/carnal knowledge and robbery and theft, the clinic interviewed 99 persons and advised and represented 34.GLAC’s Essequibo office clientele for June to September last was 235, while for Region 5 (Fort Wellington) for July to September it was 40. Last year,Fernando Rodney Jersey, GLAC had a clientele of 1,945.Guyana Legal Aid Centre (formerly Georgetown Legal Aid Clinic) is a non-governmental, non-profit, non-partisan organisation formed to provide legal aid to persons who cannot afford to employ the services of a member of the private bar.It existed in the 1970s,Kyle Korver Hawks Jersey, and was resuscitated in March 1994.To date, it has assisted over ten thousand people, the majority of them women.Improved access to justice, especially for the poor and vulnerable, is part of the recently implemented Justice Sector Reform Strategy.The aim of this section of the programme is to have a justice system that is accessible to all,Throwback Jerseys, regardless of socio-economic status, gender or ethnicity.The approach taken will be holistic, taking into account all aspects of the provision of justice.Activities will be directed towards developing and implementing a national legal aid scheme, including providing legal advice and assistance to defendants in criminal trials from the point of arrest; introducing a paralegal programme for remand prisoners and suspects in police custody; enhancing the provision of alternative and informal dispute resolution; and strengthening linkages between formal and informal mechanisms.It also provides legal advice and assistance in relation to civil matters, including a review of the funding of such cases in light of international best practice (e.g. provision of legal aid; no-win no-fee arrangements); and improves “customer service” ethos of justice sector institutions, the revised strategy stated.

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