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NFL Jerseys From China who controlling Channel 65









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發表於 2017-7-23 06:51:30 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Because dem got sorry mek li’l boy does mash big man toe.  De Burke boy find out that somebody thief he identity and commit nuff traffic violation. But somebody who vex wid Burke because he always got a protest on hand fuh when Jagdeo visit New York decide that dem gun sink Burke suh dem holler how Burke get arrest fuh identity theft.Dem send de news to Kwame who order de Chronicle and de Gee Tee Vee fuh carry de story. Bar Bee hear de news and he decide that he gun carry de same story because Burke was always tormenting he friend Bar Rat. That is how he carry de story in he papers and pun he TV.Rob Bert,Cheap Sports Jerseys, who controlling Channel 65,NFL Jerseys Cheap China, order dem to carry de story. De next thing you know is that all of dem who close to Bar Rat had de story.One day later was wailing and gnashing of teeth. De story wrang and Burke put a lawyer pun dem tail. When dem realize that Burke gun lash dem fuh all dem gat Kwame order de Gee Tee Vee to apologise. Now Burke deh in New York. How he can hear a TV apology in Guyana?But de story didn’t done deh. Burke seh that sari does sell in Fip shop and he don’t wear dem. Bur dem boys seh that de man in New York eh pun he own. He pick up fire rage and carry a story pun a web page he set up pun de instructions of nobody but somebody  in de government. He didn’t form a company suh he got to tek de lash.He begging dem fuh help he get a lawyer but nobody in Guyana ain’t tekking he calls. Dem ignoring he. He deh pun he own and now he regret that he tie bundle wid dem in de first place. Bar Bee smile when he didn’t get a lawsuit but one land pun he desk de other day. In fact he get three—one fuh he radio,Cheap Jerseys From China, one fuh he TV and one fuh de Hard Times paper.He got a headache. He does mek Whizz and Limacol fuh headache and de amount he share out already almost empty he bond. Talk half and soak a towel in Limacol fuh Bar Bee and Kwame

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