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發表於 2017-7-23 10:17:02 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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The narrow production base of the region, its vulnerability to national disasters,NFL Jerseys From China, and the impact of international trade decisions were among the key issues discussed by Guyana’s President Bharrat Jagdeo and US President Barack Obama when they met at the Hyatt Regency, yesterday.The leaders of Latin America and the Caribbean and Central America as well as those of North America are meeting in Trinidad and Tobago for the Fifth Summit of the Americas. President Jagdeo was selected to present the CARICOM position to President Obama.Commenting on the impact of natural disasters on the region,Marlon Humphrey Jersey, President Jagdeo told President Obama that a single disaster could wipe out 80 per cent of the Gross Domestic Product of these countries, leaving them to restart their economies.The global financial crisis did not escape notice.“…how the US can help to fashion international institutions that are responsible to the region. The instruments that these institutions are going to use or to lend, extending grants to the region…their flexibility is as important as the current voice and vote in these institutions.”President Jagdeo also commended the decision by the United States to extend the Caribbean Basin Economic Recovery Act (CBERA) to 2014. He sought, however, to have this act extended to other countries.Cooperation in the area of the fight against drug trafficking also featured in the discussions. The fact that the United States would issue inaccurate reports on countries like Guyana was highlighted. “I was very pleased that he turned to Hilary Clinton and said that they need to look at this; that it does not cost money.”Haiti’s sad history and its current problems also formed part of the discussion.“In a very enlightened fashioned, and in a welcomed departure from previous engagements with other world leaders, he engaged on every one of those issues.”President Obama (L) talks with Venezuela’s President Hugo Chavez (R), in the presence of (L-R) El Salvador’s President Elias Antonio Saca, Uruguay’s President Tabare Vazquez and Ecuador’s President Rafael Correa during an official photo session at the 5th Summit of the Americas (Reuters photo).At the opening ceremony, the focus was the US embargo. President Jagdeo,Wholesale Authentic Jerseys, on behalf of the regional governments,Fernando Rodney Jersey, lauded the recent move by the US Government to ease travel restrictions. “We think it is a good first step. We also welcome the call or the commitment for dialogue with the Cuban authority. We recognize that Cuba has indicated its willingness to talk about everything on the table.”The regional leaders all see the embargo as an historical injustice—a remaining vestige of the Cold War.“I spoke about Cuba’s support for the region in the area of education and health.”And despite the importance of the Cuban issue,Deion Jones Falcons Jersey, it will not dominate the Fifth Summit. At a second meeting, this time as a member of the Union of South American Nations (UNASUR), the issue of Cuba came up, but none of the Latin American leaders, while they spoke of the importance of the lifting of the embargo, did not do so in a contentious way, President Jagdeo said.“In fact everyone spoke of the need to improve relations but they were not as contentious as everyone thought.” And despite the statement by Venezuela’s President Hugo Chavez that he and other Latin American Leaders will not sign the joint statement emanating from the Summit, there was no such acrimony when President Chavez and President Obama met.“I saw a wonderful,Deion Sanders Falcons Jersey, cordial relationship between Obama and Chavez, a very respectful, very engaging; very positive…It was the same with the President of Bolivia. In fact the President of Bolivia spoke about finding mercenaries in Bolivia and Obama said that his government is not going to be involved in assassination and in the overthrow of any legitimate government.”President Jagdeo said that Obama’s presence at the summit will mean the difference. It offers an historic opportunity. “His administration presents for a changed relationship. This is the key thing…the promise of an improved relationship between the region and the United States.”President Obama also informed President Jagdeo that he will be meeting with the CARICOM leaders later in the year. The date and venue have not yet been determined.

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