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–    ‘child father’ in custodyA 37-year-old mother of three and rank of the Community Policing Group in New Amsterdam has vanished after leaving her home last Saturday night.Gould Marcell Amsterdam called ‘Massa’ and also popularly known as ‘Greens Girl’ left her two-bedroom cottage at Lot 1 Caracas Dam, Vryheid,Deion Sanders Falcons Jersey, West Canje, Berbice,Deion Jones Falcons Jersey, shortly after 23:00 hrs, having received a phone call, and has not been seen since. The woman has resided there for the past 15 years.According to one of the woman’s sisters, Donnell Amsterdam,Cheap Jerseys From China, Amsterdam woke her 13-year-old daughter, Akeesha Daniels from her sleep and told her that she was leaving “to just go over suh…and she said she coming back just now and she left and was never seen again.”Gould AmsterdamThe woman lived with her other two children, Sabiel, 9, and Abia Daniels, 16. Daniels was staying with another relative at the time. She left home dressed in a pair of black tights, a white vest and burgundy shoes.Massive searches were conducted by the police ranks in ‘B’ Division including CPG Ranks in the bushy Angoy’s Avenue area, West Canje as well as East Bank Berbice, but there has been no sign of the woman who is also seven months pregnant. Police have since arrested the woman’s 34-year-old former common law partner for questioning into the disappearance.“We formed a group and went by Brotherson Pump areas and nothing—we don’t know where else to search and what else to do. All we are doing is praying and hoping that God will make a way…and whoever do it, if they can just call us,Wholesale Jerseys Free Shipping, even with her phone—which has been turned off—so that we can just know that she is alive!” the Donnell lamented.“It’s very hard for us; it’s not easy, and all we need is our sister. We need a mother for her children and we need a daughter for her parent,” she added.“As the sun goes down in the evening,NFL Jerseys From China, it tears our hearts that another day has finished and we have not heard anything about our sister,” she added.When asked whether Amsterdam had any problems with anyone, the sister stated that some time ago, “she had a problem with her last ‘child- father’ and I was told that he said ‘no man was supposed to live there’.”Anyone knowing the whereabouts of Amsterdam can contact the relatives’ numbers: 618-0223, 601-4975, 647-4794, 645-0593,Kyle Korver Hawks Jersey, or the nearest police station.“Anyone see or hear anything, they can just contact us and we will be grateful. Her children need a mother. It’s really hurtful,” she added.

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