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Throwback Jerseys ” the teacher added.However









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While the Ministry of Education is looking to address the issue of teachers being assaulted by their students, it might need to also examine scenarios of abuse amongst the educators themselves.Samantha Henry, Head of the Department of Science at the Anna Regina Multilateral School in Essequibo, Region Two,Brett Hull Red Wings Jersey, is alleging  that she was physically assaulted by a male teacher (name given), during a staff meeting.Samantha HenryAccording to the 31-year-old educator, the assault stemmed from her refusing to “dishonestly adjust” the science grades of a student.“He wanted me to do so and not inform the regional office, so I refused. Since then, almost every morning there is an insulting notice on my office door. I knew it had to be him, but I never really said anything about it,” Henry said.However, Henry,Authentic Kyle Korver Hawks Jersey, who is also an Examiner attached to the Caribbean Examinations Council (CXC), said that during a customary staff meeting  last week Tuesday, an argument ensued between her and the male teacher and he became violent.“He started to kind of chuck me up and he pushed me against the wall. My hand had to be in a sling because he slammed the door on it. My hand is still hurting, and it has left black and blue,Andrew Franks Dolphins Jersey,” Henry noted.She added that other members of staff came to her rescue, and were very supportive as it relates to her reporting the incident to the regional authorities.Henry said that she was accompanied by the school’s head teacher to the Department of Education in Region Two, where a formal complaint was made.“I also sent a letter to the Guyana Teachers’ Union and the Minister of Education,” the teacher added.However, when contacted yesterday, both the Education Minister Priya Manickchand and President of the Guyana Teachers Union, Colin Bynoe maintained that they had not seen the letter, and therefore would not be able to comment on the issue.Minister Manickchand said that she is not sure whether the letter has already passed through the required channels to be dealt with.Despite efforts, Kaieteur News was unable to make contact with the administration of the Anna Regina Multilateral School.Meanwhile, Henry maintains that she is not prepared to let the assault “just slide”,NFL Jerseys Discount, since such a scenario should not have taken place in any working environment, especially in a school.“I am speaking out because I do not want to see what has happened to me,Custom Raptors Jersey, happen to another teacher or any female for that matter,Evan Engram Jersey,” the teacher stressed.She said she has also reported the matter to the police who promised to investigate.Henry declared that she is even prepared to take the matter to a court of law, so that an example can be made, and teachers are reminded of their roles.“I feel strongly about my case.”

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